The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Ghana, creditors agree debt rework, pave way for IMF cash


ACCRA. – Ghana’s finance ministry has finalised a pact with the official creditor committee to formalise a debt restructur­ing deal agreed in January, smoothing the path to a new funding tranche from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund.

The outlines of the agreement pave the way for the IMF executive board’s approval for a second review of a US$3 billion loan package for Ghana and release of the next tranche of US$360 million.

IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva congratula­ted Ghana on the deal in a post on social media platform X, and said it would support the second review later this month.

The announceme­nt confirms a Reuters report last week that a memorandum of agreement was about to be formalised.

“The IMF board’s approval should also trigger more financial assistance from our developmen­t partners, particular­ly the World Bank,”the finance ministry said on Wednesday.

Ghana is restructur­ing its debt to help it emerge from its worst economic crisis in a generation after defaulting on much of its overseas debt in 2022 amid soaring servicing costs.

Each creditor nation is now expected to sign the agreement individual­ly, the ministry said, adding it would also bolster ongoing restructur­ing discussion­s with private creditors.

Ghanas sovereign dollar bonds were little changed in morning trade, with most issues trading between 50-51 cents on the US dollar, a distressed level that suggests the market expects trims on private debt.

The financial terms of the agreement with official creditors remained unchanged from the deal agreed in January, the ministry said, adding it provided “significan­t debt service relief ” during the period of the IMF-supported programme.

Ghana, the world’s second largest cocoa producer, is also facing cocoa delivery delays due to poor harvests, a move that could cut its income and compound debt distress. - Reuters

 ?? ?? Ghana is restructur­ing its debt to help it emerge from its worst economic crisis in a generation
Ghana is restructur­ing its debt to help it emerge from its worst economic crisis in a generation

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