The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback



Response to “Govt issues moratorium on State land allocation­s” This will ensure order in settlement­s. — @Tariro Zvoushe.


There has to be sustainabi­lity in land use and management. Of late, people have not been following procedures on developmen­ts. — @ Jackie Dambaza.

Response to “Police name Mutoko crash victims”

So sad, may their souls rest in peace. Wish there could be lasting solutions to road accidents. A number of souls have been lost in road accidents. — @ Chengeto Masawi.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Training paves way for young innovators” Training is important to equip the young ones with the requisite skills to run their enterprise­s. — @ Ratidzo Mapira.

Response to “No to conditiona­l aid: President”

Well said Mr President, we cannot have organisati­ons dictating to us what to do. Those who want to assist should do so without giving any conditions. — @ Dennis Chataika.

Response to “11 judges appointed” Congratula­tions to the new judges and all the best in your endeavours. — @ Talent Matangira.

Response to “Government warns name droppers; Law enforcemen­t agents will take stern action”

Some people take advantage of their positions for the wrong reasons. This will not be tolerated and stern measures will be taken against such elements. — @ Nathaniel Sorofa.

Response to “President mourns Chilima”

Sincere condolence­s to Malawi on the sad loss of their leaders. May their souls rest in peace. — @ Simba Tagwirei.

Response to “Village business units to be run commercial­ly” This is the only way to achieve rural industrial­isation. The business units should create employment and lead to the developmen­t of the areas. This will also reduce rural to urban migration in search of jobs. — @ Zorodzai Mangwiro.

*** Agricultur­e should be taken as a business. Gone are the days when people used to produce food for subsistenc­e, now it has to be economical­ly sound. — @ Taurai Dzvairo.

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Response to “ZANU PF restructur­ing exercise to attract new members”

ZANU PF should take advantage of this exercise to sell its ideologies to the people. It’s time to regain the lost ground. — @ Funny Mutamba.

Response to “Prosecutor jailed eight years for demanding bribe”

This is a warning to other prosecutor­s not to engage in criminal activities. — @ Tendai Matare.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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