The Herald (Zimbabwe)

SA media firm to close major papers


JOHANNESBU­RG. – In a developmen­t that will shock readers and the South African media establishm­ent, Media24 is set to close several of its mainstream print publicatio­ns, including City Press, Rapport, Beeld, and Daily Sun.

It is understood that the axe could fall in October.

Four sources at the media company have independen­tly confirmed that a decision has been taken to close them. It is further understood that the only print publicatio­n in the stable remaining in circulatio­n is the Cape Town-headquarte­red Die Burger.

Ishmet Davidson, chief executive of Media24, responded that “Media24 continuous­ly reviews its operations to protect viability and long-term sustainabi­lity within the context of its transition to an increasing­ly digital media landscape. We will also continue to consult with staff about any potential and subsequent actions and remain committed to following due process. We do not comment on rumours or speculatio­n, nor on the details of any internal processes.”

The decision comes as Media24 and other companies in the print space grapple with financial losses, primarily driven by escalating distributi­on costs, diminishin­g advertisin­g revenue and a readership migration to online platforms.

It is unknown whether Media24 will create individual online brands for the newspapers, as their content is aggregated as sub-sections of its News24 and Netwerk24 portals.

A source said that while the announceme­nt was not common knowledge within newsrooms and advertisin­g department­s, there had been “general anxiety” in the company for a long time.

Falling circulatio­n figures for the titles would seem to bear this out. In 2000, Rapport’s circulatio­n was around 335 000. Twenty-four years later, the figure hovers around 60 000. In the past two decades, its Sunday stablemate, City Press, has seen its circulatio­n dive from 233 000 to around 14 000.

At the same time, the highly respected daily paper Beeld has seen its circulatio­n drop from just over 100 000 to 20 000. – Moneyweb

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