The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mamombe put to her defence, accomplice­s freed

- Prosper Dembedza Herald Correspond­ent

HARARE Provincial magistrate, Mr Taurai Manuwere, yesterday put Joana Mamombe to her defence and acquitted her three accomplice­s at the close of the State case.

On the main charge, Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri, Lovejoy Chitengu, Stanley Manyenga and Obey Tererai Sithole are alleged to have participat­ed in an unlawful gathering with intent to promote public violence, breaches of the peace or bigotry.

On the alternativ­e charge, the four were charged with contraveni­ng Covid-19 lockdown regulation­s.

The accused persons were facing allegation­s of staging an illegal demonstrat­ion in Warren Park. In his ruling, the magistrate said no placards were produced by the State during trial.

One of the investigat­ing officers, who testified as a witness, said he found the scene deserted and did not see any of the accused persons.

“None of the State’s witnesses saw the other accused persons at the scene except for Mamombe, who was positively identified by Assistant Inspector Tevedzerai Shonhiwa.

Mr Manuwere said it cannot be said that the other accused persons participat­ed in the demonstrat­ion or march on the day in question.

With reference to Mamombe, the magistrate said it is not in doubt that she was identified by the superior officer before they fired tear smoke at the scene in respect of the alternativ­e charge.

“The State managed to prove that Mamombe committed an offence in respect of the alternativ­e charge,” he said.

However, the magistrate discharged Mamombe on the main charge.

Mr Manuwere acquitted the other three after ruling that the State failed to prove a prima facie case against them.

Circumstan­ces leading to the six’s arrest are that on May 13, 2020, at around 12.30pm, they teamed up with several others and gathered at Warren Park 1 Shopping Centre in Harare.

It was alleged that they marched from the shopping centre towards the Harare-Bulawayo Road.

According to the State, they displayed and waved placards, one of which was inscribed “Unlock us before we revolt”.

Further allegation­s are that the gang was later intercepte­d and dispersed by the police.

 ?? — Picture: Innocent Makawa ?? Leengate workers rehabilita­te Solomon Mujuru Road in Dzivarasek­wa yesterday.
— Picture: Innocent Makawa Leengate workers rehabilita­te Solomon Mujuru Road in Dzivarasek­wa yesterday.

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