The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Student carves unique path to success

… bags four awards for his scientific background

- Latwell Nyangu Youth Interactiv­e Writer

IN a world where entreprene­urship and creativity collide, some individual­s defy the norms and carve out their unique paths to success.

One such individual is David Nemaungwe, a visionary Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) Mechatroni­cs Engineerin­g student who has not only ventured into the realm of entreprene­urship, but has also taken on the role of an editor for a fast-rising magazine.

His journey is a testament to the power of ambition, resilience, and innovation in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Nemaungwe is a shining example of the new generation of young entreprene­urs whose dreams are to reshape industries and challenge traditiona­l business models.

Despite his academic commitment­s, he has managed to establish his own company, Netcom Consultant­s, showcasing his exceptiona­l leadership skills and entreprene­urial spirit.

His passion for innovation and dedication to his craft have set him apart from his peers, propelling him towards success at a remarkably young age.

In a world where boundaries are constantly being pushed and possibilit­ies are endless, Nemaungwe stands as a testament to what can be achieved through hard work, perseveran­ce, and a relentless pursuit of one’s dreams.

The part 2 student is also an editorin-chief of a fast-growing magazine called All Property Magazine.

The youthful leader is also the author behind “The Personal Assessment Journal”, “The Principle of Work”, and “The Inclusive Industrial­ism Policy”.

“I have a background in leadership at school where I served as the high school captain and I was also a prefect.

“I developed leadership skills which led me to write books, of which the other one is called, ‘The Principle of Work’ which buttresses mainly on the importance of work.

“It also helps to inspire how it can be incorporat­ed and how individual­s can harvest from wonderful attributes of work.

“The personal assessment journal gives a chronologi­cal analysis of how a person can develop skills and master abilities that might not be known to themselves.

“I have started an initiative yet to be known, Batanai Society, an empowermen­t organisati­on that is part of our social corporate responsibi­lity.

“We are dealing with the incorporat­ion of people with disabiliti­es,” said


He has a scientific background and has won accolades from reputable science fairs — locally and internatio­nally.

“As a science student in high school, I was celebrated by the Zimbabwe Science Fair for my contributi­ons to the power industry when I invented a scientific innovation called the thermoelec­tric power plant.

“So, the thermoelec­tric power plan was a direct response to blackouts that we were experienci­ng as a nation at that time. As a scientist and competent student, I knew it was upon myself to contribute something and perhaps try and show my willingnes­s and desire to contribute.

“This is when I assembled what later made noise —the thermoelec­tric power plant. At the Zimbabwe Science Fair 2020 competitio­ns, I was celebrated. I received, a gold award and was also selected to represent Zimbabwe at the Eskom Expo which was held in South Africa. We were only two selected among the 500 participan­ts.

He was also selected to among those to participat­e at the North Gauteng Internatio­nal Science competitio­n.

“It remains a platitude, it remains an element of confidence that we can leverage on our classroom knowledge and contribute to some meaningful initiative­s that can speak directly and positively to our economy as a nation.”

He spoke about his company Netcom Consultant­s.

“As an educated person, I am always ahead living ahead, seeing the future as if it’s now and living the future as if it’s the present.

“After realising that there were some discrepanc­ies in terms of the academic and the available job opportunit­ies, and I realised that it was upon myself to protect my future and to create a future I desired.

“I knew that I was also next in line, I was going to inherit that trend of joblessnes­s which is believed to be rocking globally.

“The level of joblessnes­s is high and to protect and to future proof, my future I then ventured into this wonderful thing that I called Netcom. Our duty is to produce successful entreprene­urs by training the academical­ly invested to leverage their classroom knowledge for employment creation reasons.

“Netcom Consultanc­y is an extension of the educationa­l syllabus and background.

Our target is to create employment through empowering the academia. We have also been hosting career guidance workshops within schools as part of our journey to help and train learners so that they can harvest more from their classroom knowledge,” he said.

His advice to entreprene­urs; “Dismiss the misconcept­ion that entreprene­urship is a monopoly from those from the business sect.

“We come across this when we hold our entreprene­urship symposiums. Many people seem to disinherit themselves from entreprene­urship.”

 ?? ?? David Nemaungwe
David Nemaungwe

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