The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘Zim, Russia ties unbreakabl­e’


flattered that you extended [me] an invitation to visit your forum. For me, this is an opportunit­y to share the challenges that we face at the national level and at the internatio­nal level, also from the point of view of interactio­n with Western countries.

“In addition, this is an opportunit­y to consolidat­e and identify areas where we can expand co-operation between our countries and make this co-operation more comprehens­ive. There is no need to separate from each other, [we] have truly similar points of view on internatio­nal issues,” he said.

The President outlined some of the areas Zimbabwe needed support including in consolidat­ing its food security, especially in light of the El Nino induced drought.

“I am glad to be here. This is an opportunit­y for me, and I am confident that we will have the opportunit­y to discuss what individual areas of support exist, where there is a need for additional efforts from a security point of view, from a food security point of view - these are the areas where support is required, for example, agricultur­al automation, farms and so on.

“But we, as a people, neverthele­ss felt a desire for independen­ce. In addition, we are independen­t because there is a desire for leadership, a desire for liberation thanks to your support as well. This was a historical stage,” he said.

President Mnangagwa expressed gratitude for Zimbabwe’s invitation to the prestigiou­s forum.

“On behalf of the people of Zimbabwe, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you personally. I am very glad that you found the opportunit­y to receive me. This is a great opportunit­y for me, I have been looking forward to it because Zimbabwe and the Russian Federation have excellent relations and it is extremely important to expand our interactio­n,” he said.

President Putin said Zimbabwe’s participat­ion was encouragin­g as it reflected Africa’s keenness in developing relations with Russia.

“I am glad to have the opportunit­y to meet with you on the sidelines of the St Petersburg Internatio­nal Economic Forum.

“I am confident that your presence will symbolise the interest of the African continent in developing relations with the Russian Federation, and this is one of our priorities,” he said.

“We have agreed that we will develop our co-operation on both sides. New formats have also been created, in particular, the format of meetings and consultati­ons at the level of Foreign Ministers. This year we intend to hold this event in Sochi in the autumn. We hope that Your representa­tive will also take part in this”.

President Putin said it was encouragin­g to note that trade between Russia and Zimbabwe was increasing.

Equally encouragin­g was the unwavering co-operation in the humanitari­an sphere and on the internatio­nal arena.

“Relations between Russia and Zimbabwe developed a long time ago - even during the period of the struggle of your country, your people for independen­ce - and now they continue to develop actively.

“It was pleasant to note that our trade turnover increased several times over the past year, but, of course, we still need to work hard in this regard in order to diversify our ties.

“We have developed very good relations in the humanitari­an sphere, in the field of education: 400 young people from your country are studying in Russia, and we are constantly increasing this quota.

“I am grateful to you that we are actively working together in the internatio­nal arena. Our positions, as they say in such cases, are very close or even coincide on key issues on the internatio­nal agenda,” President Putin said.

Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Minister Ambassador Frederick Shava said the two leaders had discussed potential areas of co-operation.

“Yes, we identified maybe six or seven such areas, trade and investment, and the two leaders discussed the importance of improving trade and investment between the two countries. And you know that Russian mining companies have invested in Zimbabwe, with the possibilit­ies of new mineral claims in Matabelela­nd.

“So they discussed that, and issues surroundin­g the capabiliti­es and enhancemen­ts of those initiative­s. With respect to exploratio­n, they said that the Russians had finished some exercise in Zimbabwe, in which they identified 17 areas, particular­ly in Matabelela­nd South, for diamond mining,” he said.

“And I think it was very good that they did exchange on this, especially against the background that Zimbabwe supported the Russian Federation’s inclusion in the process of superinten­ding over the diamonds industry worldwide. Russia is now accepted as a member of the Kimberley Process, which will help it a lot in following changes in the world in terms of diamond trade.”

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