The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Natural disasters threaten national security

- Columbus Mabika Herald Reporter

RECURRING natural disasters hitting Zimbabwe and the region in recent years are quickly becoming the biggest threat to a state’s national security, whose impact requires a multi sectoral approach to mitigate, the Minister of Defence, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, said yesterday.

The region was in the middle of a food security crisis after experienci­ng the worst drought in 40 years. Zimbabwe and the region had, in recent years, been experienci­ng recurring natural disasters linked to climate change. These disasters were punctuated by irregular rainfall patterns that result in droughts and floods.

As a result, Defence Forces in the region were increasing­ly becoming involved in operations aimed at mitigating the impact of these calamites through search and rescue operations, distributi­on of relief aid and evacuation of casualties.

Speaking at the graduation of Junior Staff Course 80 at Zimbabwe Staff College in Harare, Minister Muchinguri-Kashiri said the study of natural disasters in the military should be fully prioritise­d.

“The country and region have in recent years been experienci­ng recurring natural disasters linked to climate change. These disasters are punctuated by irregular rainfall patterns that result in droughts and floods, “she said.

“Some of these tasks call for a different set of capabiliti­es and skills among our defence and security forces, I challenge the military and college to design a curriculum that accommodat­es the emerging realities, these contempora­ry security challenges and proffer appropriat­e counter strategies.”

“The world is currently grappling with emerging defence and security challenges of our times which include non-traditiona­l threats such as human and drug traffickin­g smuggling, cyber security threats, a proliferat­ion of fake news, misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion as well as recurring natural disasters.

“Some of these threats transcend national borders, which therefore calls for stronger bilateral and multilater­al defence and security co-operation.”

To counter food insecurity arising from natural disasters, Minister Muchinguri-Kashiri said Government through the National Developmen­t Strategy 1 had invested heavily in water projects to stimulate agricultur­al activities.

“In a drive to mitigate against the effects of droughts, enhance productivi­ty and ensure food security, Government embarked on a rigorous programme to build dams and set up irrigation and borehole facilities across the country and in response to this quest, the Zimbabwe Defence Forces has introduced agricultur­al projects, which include animal husbandry and crop production, in order to meet its own food requiremen­ts. Plans are at an advanced stage to set up aquacultur­e projects, given the abundant water resource base that Zimbabwe commands,” she said.

Turning to women empowermen­t, Minister Muchinguri-Kashiri said the Zimbabwe Defence Forces is walking the talk as witnessed by the cohort of 20 percent women in the graduating course.

She said pursuant to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, Peace and Security, Zimbabwe recently launched a national action plan on women to increase and promote the role of women in conflict resolution, peacekeepi­ng and peace building at all levels of peace and security processes.

 ?? — Picture: Charles Muchakagar­a ?? Minister of Defence Cde Oppah Muchinguri- Kashiri (right) chats with Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda (centre) and Commander Air Force of Zimbabwe Air Marshal John Jacob Nzvede during a graduation ceremony at Zimbabwe Staff College in Harare yesterday.
— Picture: Charles Muchakagar­a Minister of Defence Cde Oppah Muchinguri- Kashiri (right) chats with Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda (centre) and Commander Air Force of Zimbabwe Air Marshal John Jacob Nzvede during a graduation ceremony at Zimbabwe Staff College in Harare yesterday.

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