The Herald (Zimbabwe)

SA’s current account gap narrows


SOUTh Africa’s current-account shortfall narrowed more than expected in the first quarter as exports increased marginally and imports decreased due to lower demand.

The deficit on the current account, the broadest measure of trade in goods and services, shrank to an annualised 1,2 percent of gross domestic product, or R84,6 billion (US$4,5 billion) from a revised 2,3 percent of GDP in the prior quarter, the South African Reserve Bank said in a statement yesterday. The median estimate of seven economists in a Bloomberg survey was for a gap of 1,6 percent of GDP.

The annualised trade surplus widened to R183,4 billion from R90,9 billion in the fourth quarter, central bank data show.

election uncertaint­y and a contractio­n in the economy in the quarter weighed on demand for imports.

The slimmer-than-anticipate­d deficit was also driven by improved terms of trade as the rand price of exported goods and services increased more than that of imports, the

Reserve Bank said.

The better-than-expected data may support the rand, which has remained volatile after the African National Congress lost its national majority for the first time since 1994 in May 29 elections.

Markets favour the ANC aligning with the centrist Democratic Alliance over leftist parties such as the economic Freedom Fighters or former President Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe Party.

however, the ANC’s working committee recommende­d to its leaders on Wednesday that they form a government of national unity that would include a range of political parties.

The ANC’s top leadership is currently meeting near Johannesbu­rg.

The country’s eighth consecutiv­e current-account deficit and a consolidat­ed budget shortfall — the Treasury sees the latter at 4.5% of GDP for the current fiscal year — are key risks for South Africa, making it more vulnerable to external shocks. — Bloomberg

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