The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Govt open to joint capital raising

- Enacy Mapakame

The Government is keen to collaborat­e with capital market players in finding solutions to fundraisin­g for various national projects across the country.

Capital markets the world over have the potential to help attract foreign direct investment and contribute to economic growth and developmen­t of countries.

Vibrant capital markets can turn the country into a financial hub for the region, such as is the case with global cities like hong Kong, which are known for their robust capital markets and overall financial services.

Finance, economic Developmen­t and Investment Promotion Deputy Minister David Mnangagwa said the Government desired to partner with the capital market players to fund raise for critical infrastruc­ture projects and economic developmen­t initiative­s.

The deputy minister, who was officiatin­g at the inaugural capital markets conference in Nyanga, emphasised the need for innovative funding solutions for both businesses and Government projects.

“It is also the Government’s desire to work closely with the capital market in funding government projects spanning from energy and road infrastruc­ture, water and sanitation, agricultur­e and climate financing, health and education among others.

“The Government therefore challenges the capital market institutio­ns to come up with innovative funding solutions for both business and Government. Businesses should raise capital without relying solely on personal funds or bank loans,” he said.

The Deputy Minister also acknowledg­ed the importance of a robust regulatory framework to ensure fair practices, investor protection, and market competitio­n.

he stressed that transparen­cy, trust, and accountabi­lity were crucial to attracting foreign investment and establishi­ng Zimbabwe as a credible player in the global financial arena.

“Distinguis­hed guests, capital markets demand regulatory frameworks that ensure fair market practices and investor protection, practices that promote competitio­n and innovation in the financial markets and more importantl­y, connect domestic and internatio­nal markets, facilitati­ng global capital flows.

“Internatio­nally, demand for transparen­cy, trust and accountabi­lity are on the rise, and since we are part of the global capital flows, these are our responsibi­lity too, if we are to be a relevant and credible player, in the drive to secure greater inbound investment,” he added.

Underscori­ng the importance of collaborat­ion, the deputy minister called for joint efforts between the Government and capital market players to deepen and develop the market.

he expressed willingnes­s to listen to industry concerns and work together to create an enabling environmen­t for businesses to flourish.

During the two-day conference, Deputy Minister Mnangagwa officially launched the Capital Markets Associatio­n of Zimbabwe (CMAZ) to foster the developmen­t of the industry.

The CMAZ is expected to serve as a collective voice for participan­ts in the capital market, including investment banks, brokerages, exchanges, asset managers, depositori­es and other securities market intermedia­ries.

It also plays an advocacy role of advancing the interests of its members, promotes best practices, engages with regulators and policymake­rs, and aids in the developmen­t of capital markets and promotion of financial inclusion and literacy through the introducti­on of new products and services.

“CMAZ is dedicated to promoting, representi­ng, and defending the common interests of its members. By fostering a sense of collective responsibi­lity, they aim to strengthen the capital market ecosystem to benefit all participan­ts,” said ZSE chief executive officer Mr Justin Bgoni, who is also the associatio­n's interim chairman.

 ?? ?? Deputy Minister Mnangagwa
Deputy Minister Mnangagwa

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