The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Senate committee assessing levels of drug abuse nationwide

- Farirai Machivenyi­ka Senior Reporter

THE Senate’s Thematic Committee on HIV and Aids is on a two-week countrywid­e tour to verify and conduct public hearings on the rollout of anti-retro viral medication in light of the menace of abuse of illegal drugs and substances that has affected many youths across the country.

On Monday the committee was in Tsholotsho District while on Tuesday, it visited Bulilima-Mangwe


It is expected to conduct meetings in Bulawayo today, followed by other public engagement­s in Mberengwa and Chivi.

Other meetings are scheduled to be held in Zvimba District on Monday next week, followed by Guruve on Tuesday, before moving to Murehwa on Wednesday and Harare next Thursday.

According to a schedule from Parliament, the committee will, during their tour, meet officials from the

Ministry of Health and Child Care, the National Aids Council and conduct public hearings thereafter.

Cases of drugs and substance abuse have been on the rise amid indication­s that it was also fuelling irresponsi­ble sexual behaviour among youths, putting them at risk of contractin­g and spreading HIV and Aids and other sexually transmitte­d infections.

The Government has already set up an interminis­terial committee chaired by Defence Minister Oppah

Muchinguri-Kashiri to lead interventi­ons in stopping abuse and rehabilita­ting addicts, after declaring the menace a national threat.

Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe last week told Parliament that police have arrested over 5 300 suspected drug dealers, leading to the conviction of 83 offenders in the first quarter of 2024, while 91 drug bases have also been shut down as the Government intensifie­s efforts to rid communitie­s of drug-related crimes.

Out of 5 364 arrests made, the majority, 4 327 were people under 35, while 1 037 were those above 35.

Males dominated the arrests, with 4 506 arrested, compared to 858 females and of the 83 persons convicted, 55 were male and 28 were female. Last year, the Government also availed a $500 million under the Drug and Substance Abuse Mitigation Fund as part of efforts by the Second Republic to speed up high-impact activities in the fight against the drug menace.

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