The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Let’s be authors of our own narrative: Acting President Mohadi

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

ZIMBABWEAN­S should be authors of the country’s own narrative, promoting the national brand and consciousn­ess, Acting President Kembo Mohadi said yesterday.

He said this at the launch of a book titled, ‘Building Zimbabwe Together’, written by former Child Minister of Youth, Tinashe Ngirandi.

The Acting President said the book was important as it has identified and simplified the significan­t factors towards national developmen­t and the realisatio­n of Vision 2030.

Addressing guests, Acting President Mohadi said all hands should be on the deck towards achieving Vision 2030 as enunciated by President Mnangagwa as national developmen­t required collaborat­ion of all regardless of political affiliatio­n.

“The title of this book, ‘Building Zimbabwe Together’, aligns with His Excellency President Dr ED Mnangagwa’s mantra; ‘Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo!’ Literally this means the onus of building our country rests on our shoulders as Zimbabwean­s.

“If our wish as a people is to capture our full glory and dignity in the history of mankind, we need to be masters of our own story.

“The writing of our own story is indeed, the surest way of preserving our national consciousn­ess.”

Acting President Mohadi said after having read the book, he was enthused that young Tinashe had provided readers with what he called “epistemic delight”.

“If our wish as a people is to capture our full glory and dignity in the history of mankind, we need to be masters of our own story. The writing of our own story is indeed, the surest way of preserving our national consciousn­ess,” he said.

“Accordingl­y, this book by Tinashe is not only a supplement­ary text on our story, but in my view, should be considered among principal texts that is seized with the intense post-colonial reconstruc­tion of our narratives under the Second Republic.”

Acting President Mohadi said he was delighted and proud that a 21-year-old could demonstrat­e such prowess and dexterity in pushing the pen, to interrogat­e the complex issues about how we could build our motherland together.

“Our youths right across the length and breadth of our motherland, should thus be proud of this milestone achievemen­t by one of their own.

“The writing of this book reflects on the general capacity of our youths in their contributi­on towards national developmen­t.

“What is even more exciting about this developmen­t is that young Tinashe manages to narrate the story of Zimbabwe with such authority and exuberance of an experience­d writer.”

Tinashe said he was motivated to write the book after his interactio­n with President Mnangagwa, seeking to understand his goals and vision so as to tap in.

He said was also motivated by the exposure he got in interactin­g with other young people worldwide.

“At that time, I was a child and the President was very open to us as young people so he opened the door for me.

“This is one of the opportunit­ies we should leverage during this era of the Second Republic as a generation,” said Tinashe.

The Minister of State for Harare Provincial Affairs and Devolution Charles Tawengwa said the writing of the book came at an opportune time when the province was intensifyi­ng efforts against drug and substance abuse.

Geo Pomona Waste Management chief executive and executive chairman Mr Dilesh Nguwaya said public-private partnershi­ps fostered sustainabl­e developmen­t, realising Zimbabwe’s Vision 2030.

 ?? - Picture: Innocent Makawa ?? Acting President Kembo Mohadi launches a book written by former Junior Parliament member, Tinashe Ngirandi (second from right), while flanked by Senate president Mabel Chinomona (right) and Tinashe’s mother, Jane Ngirandi (left), at Harare Polytechni­c yesterday.
- Picture: Innocent Makawa Acting President Kembo Mohadi launches a book written by former Junior Parliament member, Tinashe Ngirandi (second from right), while flanked by Senate president Mabel Chinomona (right) and Tinashe’s mother, Jane Ngirandi (left), at Harare Polytechni­c yesterday.

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