The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Protecting Africa’s wetlands key to combating biodiversi­ty loss

- Dr Musonda Mumba —

AFRICA is faced with a profound challenge: the continent’s rich biodiversi­ty, which fuels its economy and shields it from climate change, is in decline. By the end of the century, climate change alone could result in the loss of over half of African bird and mammal species. This could also result in a 20 percent –30 percent reduction in lake productivi­ty and a significan­t decrease in plant species.

But there cannot be a discussion about biodiversi­ty without a discussion on wetlands.

Wetlands are incredibly biodiverse ecosystems that support a wide array of flora and fauna that we depend on.

Wetlands ensure food and fresh water, in addition to providing jobs and services to local inhabitant­s.

They protect communitie­s from floods and storms, and even mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Yet despite these benefits, humanity is destroying wetlands at an alarming rate.

In response to this ongoing biodiversi­ty crisis, many African nations are actively working on implementi­ng national biodiversi­ty strategies and action plans to meet the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversi­ty Framework targets.

While overall advancemen­ts remain challengin­g, there has been progress in many areas, such as the recovery of threatened species and the effective management of protected wetland areas.

Conservati­on efforts at an internatio­nal level

Countries are taking proactive measures to preserve and restore wetlands and are rallying through commitment­s like the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

Individual citizens, NGOs, government­s, and internatio­nal institutio­ns alike are working to reverse the current destructiv­e trends.

In West Africa, Gambia and Senegal are facing the challenges of habitat loss and biodiversi­ty decline.

Their transbound­ary conservati­on efforts have led to the protection of the Niumi-Saloum Wetland of Internatio­nal Importance, a Ramsar Site spanning both countries that is a critical area for biodiversi­ty.

This collaborat­ion has enabled better management of the Site’s diverse ecosystems, which include mangrove forests and a variety of fauna, such as migratory birds and the West African manatee.

Gabon has benefited from World Bank initiative­s that have enhanced conservati­on efforts in parks and forested wetlands.

These projects have expanded conservati­on knowledge, improved monitoring systems, and promoted eco-responsibl­e behaviours, significan­tly reducing illegal activities like fishing and poaching.

In South Africa, a GEF grant to iSimangali­so Wetland Park has not only improved the park’s ecological function but has also boosted economic opportunit­ies for the surroundin­g communitie­s.

The initiative has created jobs, facilitate­d business training, and prepared leaders for effective resource management.

Mozambique’s conservati­on efforts, supported by the MozBio Programme, have focused on protecting diverse habitats, including coral reefs and national parks.

The programme has engaged thousands of beneficiar­ies, promoting community involvemen­t in conservati­on and raising private investment.

The power of community-led conservati­on

Internatio­nal financial institutio­ns and government­s, as seen in Gabon and South Africa, have provided funds for sustainabl­e wetland management. However, true strength lies at the grassroots level.

In Angola, environmen­talist Fernanda Samuel has become a key figure in conservati­on efforts through her work with the NGO OTCHIVA.

Her commitment began in 2016, driven by the alarming disappeara­nce of flamingos in her hometown due to destructiv­e constructi­on practices.

She was included in the first Women Changemake­rs in the World of Wetlands cohort in 2024, and her movement has inspired youth across the continent.

The situation in Uganda’s Achwa River basin is similarly concerning.

Over the last two decades, the region has lost vast areas of wetlands, with 20 percent now considered degraded.

This has prompted two local women, Apio Kevin and Aol Dorcus, to step forward, creating conservati­on initiative­s that are an example of sustainabl­e, community-led resource management.

Madagascar has seen grassroots conservati­on efforts gain traction as well.

Kivalo led by Justin Rakotomana­hira, is an example of how community efforts can contribute to sustainabl­e mangrove restoratio­n.

This community has transforme­d 56 hectares of barren land into a haven of biodiversi­ty, which has facilitate­d access to clean water and improved sanitation, while enhancing the economic benefits derived from local mangrove forests.

From local ingenuity to global solutions

Local communitie­s, often the most affected by biodiversi­ty loss, are at the heart of this struggle.

Their local knowledge and direct stake in their natural surroundin­gs make them powerful agents of change.

Individual­s like Fernanda Samuel and NGOs like OTCHIVA are inspiring a global audience and proving that dedicated efforts can effect real change.

While African countries are facing significan­t challenges in terms of biodiversi­ty loss, concerted efforts — like these — at local, national, and internatio­nal levels are helping to preserve the continent’s natural heritage.

These initiative­s highlight the critical importance of adaptive governance, community involvemen­t, and internatio­nal support in tackling environmen­tal challenges.

A more robust approach involving multiple stakeholde­rs at every level could enhance biodiversi­ty governance and speed progress. This approach could integrate the value of local and Indigenous knowledge and allow these experts to work closely with government authoritie­s and internatio­nal organisati­ons.

Through the Convention on Wetlands, in collaborat­ion with the UN Biodiversi­ty Convention and other partners, the sustainabl­e management and protection of wetlands — crucial for biodiversi­ty and humanity alike — is possible. But only if we work handin-hand to achieve it. Africa Renewal ◆ Dr Musonda Mumba is the secretary general for the Convention on Wetlands.

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