The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Botswana faces worst drought in decades


BOTSWANA is taking the unpreceden­ted step of seeking grain imports from Australia and Brazil after the El Nino weather phenomenon caused the worst drought in 40 years.

With the drought having devastated the crop in Botswana and its southern African neighbours, the Botswana Agricultur­al Marketing Board said the state grain security agency, which is responsibl­e for maintainin­g strategic reserves, was turning to seaborne trade for both corn and sorghum. Imports secured from neighbouri­ng Zimbabwe and South Africa were deemed insufficie­nt.

“We continue to explore countries afar, such as Brazil and Australia ,” Adelaide Johnson, spokeswoma­n for the Botswana Agricultur­al Marketing Board, said in a response to queries.“The plan is to import regionally and internatio­nally to augment the little harvest expected.”

The step is another sign of the devastatio­n the drought is causing across the region. On Monday the 16-nation Southern African Developmen­t Community appealed for at least US$5,5 billion in assistance to cope with droughts and floods caused by El Nino.

Zimbabwean millers have said they may tap corn supplies from Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Argentina and the US, while South Africa could import white corn for the first time since 2017.

Botswana hasn’t imported corn from Brazil, which is currently the world’s biggest exporter, since at least 2003, according to Internatio­nal Trade Centre data. And of the 3,3 million tons the country imported between 2003 and 2022, almost all came from South Africa and just 70 tons came from outside Africa. Imports from outside the continent “would be super unusual,” said Wandile Sihlobo, chief economist at the Agricultur­al Business Chamber of South Africa. — Bloomberg.

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