The Herald (Zimbabwe)

AFC may sell rand, other currency bonds


AFRICA Finance Corp, an infrastruc­ture-focused developmen­t finance institutio­n, is considerin­g issuing bonds in currencies from the continent and is in talks to sell securities in South Africa’s rand.

The Lagos-based institutio­n, which has more than US$12,3 billion in assets, has to date only sold bonds denominate­d in dollars and Swiss francs, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“South Africa is on the table, we are in discussion­s,” Chief Executive Officer Samaila Zubairu said in an interview.

“Two other countries have made an approach.”

Selling bonds denominate­d in local currency protects borrowers from the risk of exchange-rate depreciati­on while securities denominate­d in major currencies such as the dollar can make repayments harder to meet.

“It’s one of the ways for us to derisk infrastruc­ture investment. The earnings are in local currency, the funding should be in local currency,” Zubairu said.

“Definitely its on the cards, we actually have a program for that and we are looking at how to make it happen.”

The AFC declined to comment further when contacted by Bloomberg. South Africa’s National Treasury didn’t immediatel­y respond to a query.

The AFC last week launched a report on African infrastruc­ture investment that showed the continent lags the rest of the world in terms of spending on everything from energy to roads and digital infrastruc­ture. Investment­s that have been made primarily connect facilities such as mines to ports rather than facilitati­ng trade within and between countries, the authors of the report found. — Bloomberg.

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