The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback



Response to “Schools rejecting ZiG warned”

Schools should not reject the new currency. This is somehow sabotaging the ZiG. — @ Ropa Shamhu


The least they can do is to have a certain percentage in foreign currency, for instance, it would be better if the schools accepted 50-70 percent of the fees in local currency. — @ Smart Phiri ***

I hope the schools pay their staff salaries 100 percent foreign currency only. — @ Paul Makumbe

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Floods leave 236 dead in East Africa”

It is disturbing that some countries experience floods while others are suffering from drought effects. Wish there could be a balance. — @ Nyasha Chapwanya

*** Climate change has been causing extreme weather conditions which are affecting the environmen­t. — @ Modina Chipashu

*** Response to “Cabinet approves child protection policy”

This is a noble policy. Many orphans are suffering as they do not have anyone to guide them or provide basics for them. — @ Kundai Beta


Vulnerable children are in most cases abused as some people may take advantage of their situations. Government has done a good thing to protect these innocent souls. —@ Charity Gava

Response “President launches drought appeal”

Local and private organisati­ons should work closely with Government to ensure people do not starve. — @ Ashley Munemo


There is need for stakeholde­rs to put food security issues on priority. Individual­s who can also assist their fellows should. — @ Philip Masara


Response to “Stakeholde­rs should join drive to beautify Harare”

Corporates can come on board and help spruce up the city. — @ Shingai Mutyambizi

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Response to“Parirenyat­wa, Chinese hospital to set up telemedici­ne centre”

Technology answers our challenges. This initiative will assist many patients. A welcome developmen­t. — @ Hazvineyi Munyaradzi

*** Response to“African World Heritage mourns Prof Munjeri”

He was such a hard working man. His works are being recognised globally. Continue to rest in peace our Prof.— @ Target Nyambo


The Prof was a hero whose work is true testament to his dedication to serve the nation. — @ Knowledge Mandeya

*** Response to“Madzibaba Ishmael fails to appear in court”

I hope Madzibaba also allowed his church members to seek treatment when they got sick.— @ Farisai Hamandishe

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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