The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Hero burial set for tomorrow

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

NATIONAL hero Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita, a retired director in the President’s Department, will be interred at the National Heroes Acre tomorrow with modalities for the burial being finalised, Government announced yesterday.

In an interview, Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Ambassador Raphael Faranisi said the Government and family have agreed on the burial date.

“The burial is on Friday, the usual mobilisati­on of people is already being done,” he said.

Cde Chaunoita was born on June 1, 1958, in Gutu District, Masvingo Province.

From 1967 to 1969, he attended Gudo Primary School in Gutu, for Sub A to Standard one, and subsequent­ly transferre­d to Mataruse Primary School in the same province in 1970, where he completed primary education.

From 1971 to 1972, Cde Chaunoita attended Gutu Secondary School where he did Form One and Form Two, but could not continue with his secondary education due to financial constraint­s.

From 1973 to 1974, Cde Chaunoita did menial jobs in Gutu, it is the same period that he experience­d the brutality of the white settlers.

Outraged by the enactment of suppressiv­e Acts such as the Land Husbandry Act and the Tax Act among others by the white settler regime, and the continued wanton and unjust racial segregatio­n in the then Rhodesia, Cde Chaunoita together with five other valiant youths from Gutu, left the country in September 1975 for Mozambique to join the armed struggle, under ZANLA.

The group consisted of Brigadier-General (Retired) Charles Hwekwete, the late Colonel Masocha, the late Amen Sithole, and two others.

The national hero and his team used public transport to get to Mutare en-route to Mozambique. The group risked their lives and crossed the border through some points that were manned by the Rhodesian forces based at Adams Barrack in Mutare.

The group crossed into Mozambique by foot via Machipanda without detection by the Rhodesian forces.

Cde Chaunoita briefly stayed at Villa De Manica from September to December 1975, before transferri­ng to Nyadzonia Camp where he received political orientatio­n that was to become his moral compass for his future political exploits.

The political orientatio­n gave Cde Chaunoita direction and how to execute the armed struggle. On August 9, 1976, he survived the Nyadzonia massacre that left hundreds of comrades dead with others sustaining injuries.

In late 1976, Cde Chaunoita was transferre­d to Tembwe Camp where he underwent his initial three months of military training and specialise­d in military engineerin­g. From January 1978 to August 1978, he was selected to undertake a VIP Protection Security Course in the Republic of Yugoslavia.

Upon his return in September 1978, Cde Chaunoita returned to Mozambique and was deployed to Gaza Province where he served as a security detail to the ZANLA High Command.

During his stay in Mozambique, Cde Chaunoita, brushed shoulders with the likes of the late National Heroes, Cde Menard Muzariri, Cde Elias Kanengoni and Cde Nash Dzimiri, among others.

In January 1979, the national hero was deployed to Maputo Province where he was appointed Aide-DeCamp (ADC) to the late Vice President Cde Simon Muzenda.

It was also at that time that he was elevated to be a member of the General Staff of ZANLA.

In addition to being ADC to VP Muzenda, the ZANLA leadership gave him other responsibi­lities.

The added responsibi­lities were in recognitio­n of Cde Chaunoita’s experience and dedication to the liberation war and his leadership acumen.

 ?? ?? Cde Chaunoita
Cde Chaunoita

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