The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Essentials of buck selection, management in goat farming

- Farmer’s Diary with Sheuneni Kurasha

We are excited about the incredible response from both prospectiv­e and current small livestock farmers who have reached out to express their appreciati­on for the knowledge and experience­s we are sharing through the column, as well as for posing further questions.

This week, one of the most common inquiries we received pertains to the selection of bucks or rams when starting small ale stock farming. In response, we have dedicated this instalment to the topic of buck selection and management specifical­ly in goat farming.

As the adage goes, “The buck is half the herd”. This emphasises the crucial role that bucks play in shaping the future of the goat herd. As the herd sire, the buck is the most important animal in the herd as it contribute­s 50 percent of the genetic makeup of every offspring that is born. Moreover, the buck’s genetics will be spread over many more offspring when compared with the doe.

For instance, a doe contribute­s on average 6 to 12 kids during its breeding life while a buck contribute­s 60 to 100 kids per year. The genetic improvemen­t in any herd or flock, therefore, hinges upon the kind of male that is selected for breeding.

Additional­ly, the buck plays a pivotal role in influencin­g the overall pregnancy rate of the herd. Selecting high-quality breeding stock is crucial in both meat and dairy goat operations. A replacemen­t herd sire or buckling can be chosen from the contempora­ry group at weaning, typically occurring at 3 to 4 months of age, with emphasis placed on weaning weight.

Following this, a post-weaning growth assessment can be conducted by 6 to 8 months of age. By 10 months of age, a buckling can commence servicing a small number of females. Since male goats generally reach puberty earlier than females, it is advisable to raise bucks separately from females to prevent unintended mating.

In commercial settings, breeding values and comprehens­ive farm records are crucial for selecting bucks, but in smallholde­r settings, visual selection is more common and practical.

Bucks are considered mature at two years old and capable of servicing up to up to 50 does in open mating setups.

When selecting bucks, farmers should consider the following key criteria:

Firstly, the buck should exhibit all the breed characteri­stics, commonly referred to as conformati­on. This includes factors such as body shape, size and proportion, which are indicative of the breed is standard. Secondly, it should be at least one year old, with preference given to bucks from twin or triplet births.

Bucks from multiple births often exhibit greater vigour and vitality.

The buck should be the heaviest in the flock since a higher weight indicates better growth potential and overall health. Additional­ly, a buck should be free from physical defects and diseases. Any visible defects or signs of illness can significan­tly impact the buck’s ability to perform as a breeder.

Aggressive­ness in the buck is desirable, as it can indicate dominance and assertiven­ess, traits that are beneficial for breeding success. Moreover, the buck should display good health with a straight body and legs. Any abnormalit­ies in posture or gait may indicate underlying health issues that could affect breeding performanc­e.

Furthermor­e, ruggedness in the neck and shoulders is indicative of strong breeding ability. ◆ Sheuneni Kurasha is the managing director of Chivara Farm, a diver- sified farming operation that spe- cialises in stud breeding for small livestock (Boer goats, Kalahari Red goats, Damara sheep and Meatmaster sheep) as well as Boran cattle. For feedback, kindly get in touch on email:; X: @chivarafar­m or WhatsApp: +263 772 874 523.

◆ Read more on www.herald business.

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