The Herald (Zimbabwe)

FIU targets schools rejecting local currency

- Ivan Zhakata Herald Correspond­ent

THE Financial Intelligen­ce Unit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is working with Government agencies to identify schools, described by the Primary and Secondary Education Ministry as “not so many”, that are rejecting the payment of fees in ZiG to ensure they comply with the law.

This follows reports that some errant authoritie­s, mainly in the private school sector, are not accepting ZiG for fees after the opening of the second term on Tuesday.

There are reports that some learners whose parents and guardians have offered to pay fees in ZiG, have been sent back home.

FIU is an autonomous regulatory body under the supervisio­n of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe responsibl­e for the regulation and supervisio­n of financial services conducted in and from Zimbabwe. It can investigat­e any concern.

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has warned schools against rejecting ZiG payments and has launched investigat­ions to take corrective measures against the errant school authoritie­s. At Government, council and some private schools where ZiG payments are being accepted, learners have already started classes with teachers in full attendance. However, many private schools are said to be rejecting ZiG payments.

In an interview, FIU director-general Mr Oliver Chiperesa said they were working with Government department­s countrywid­e to ensure acceptance of ZiG payments in schools.

“Complaints about schools rejecting ZiG payments are coming daily and we are telling those schools to comply,” he said. “We are working with Government arms across the country to make sure that all schools accept the ZiG.”

The director of communicat­ions and advocacy in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Mr Taugana Ndoro said the Ministry had the names of schools that were defying Government’s directive.

“We do have names of the not so many schools that are defying Government directive and at the moment we are working on enforcing adherence to the policy of making sure all schools accept the ZiG currency,” he said.

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