The Herald (Zimbabwe)

CAPS fined US$5 000 over abandoned match

- Eddie Chikamhi Senior Sports Reporter

GIANTS CAPS United have been fined US$5,000 and ordered to forfeit points in the abandoned Castle Lager Premiershi­p match against FC Platinum at Mandava recently.

The Green Machine were found guilty of contraveni­ng sections of the PSL Rules and Regulation­s and causing the abandonmen­t of the match after their fans invaded the pitch in protest of a referee’s decision to disallow a goal by their midfielder Ralph Kawondera.

According to the PSL judgment released last night, Makepekepe forfeited the game on a 0-3 scoreline, which meant the platinum miners shot to third place on the log table with 18 points.

CAPS United coach Lloyd Chitembwe was also found guilty for the post-match statements in which he criticised the match officials and was fined US$400.

Makepekepe were trailing 0-1 when the match was abandoned in the 86th minute.

Chitembwe pleaded guilty to contraveni­ng Order 31.2.16 which makes it an offence to make “any statement, either orally or in writing . . . insulting or improper behaviour, or likely to bring the game, sponsors any member, the League, ZIFA, CAF, FIFA into disrepute”.

“After considerin­g the submission­s in mitigation, the committee is of the view that the accused in pleading guilty did not waste time and resources of the PSL,” read part of the judgment.

“He was a contrite first offender. He has already been punished at club level. He took full responsibi­lity for his conduct. While these are strong mitigatory factors, it must be noted that the accused confirmed that he knew the procedure to follow if he has grievances against match officials.

“He did not do so, although this can be explained by the fact that the comments were passed in the heat of the moment. This committee also noted the request to deal with the conduct of match officials, but such a request is not within its mandate.

“Grievances must be taken to the body responsibl­e for match officials. Complaints against match officials to this committee are, unfortunat­ely, unhelpful for purposes of assessing the relevant penalty.”

His team CAPS United were found guilty of breaching Order 31 following the pitch invasion by the club’s supporters and causing the abandonmen­t of the game.

CAPS United were ordered to pay US$5 000 of which US$500 was suspended until the end of the season on condition that the club is not found guilty of causing or attempting to cause abandonmen­t of a match.

The fine has to be paid by May 27.

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