The Herald (Zimbabwe)

National hero Chaunoita was a unifier, loving person

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

NATIONAL hero Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita, who was a retired director in the President’s Department, has been described as a unifier, loving and caring person who always had the interests of the nation at heart.

Cde Chaunoita, also known as Cde Zvenyika, died on Saturday, after a long illness. ZANU PF National Political Commissar, Cde Mike Bimha delivered the national hero status message to the Chaunoita family in Harare yesterday.

“His Excellency, the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF, Cde Dr ED Mnangagwa has conferred national hero status on Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita, who died on May 4, 2024.

Mourners are gathered at House Number 19B Selsey Road, Waterfalls, Harare.

“Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita will be interred at the National Heroes Acre, Harare, at a date to be announced. I shall be most grateful if you would make the usual arrangemen­ts for his burial and payment of benefits to family. He is from Harare Province,”said Cde Bimha.

Cde Chaunoita’s elder brother, Mr Kainos Chaunoita, expressed gratitude to Government for the hero status.

“As a family we thank our Government and President Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa for conferring this respect on our son. We did not know that when our son went to war, he would bring something. We are in grief, but at the same time grateful to the Government. The gesture comforts us,”he said.

A relative, Mr Makani Sithole, said the family has lost someone who was ever supportive.

“He was a pillar of the family, and no one will be able to fill his shoes. He used to pay tuition fees for relatives, and he would reside with some of them until they could fully support themselves.

“We grew up together, and we never had an argument, our relationsh­ip was strong,”he said.

A church member and colleague, Madzibaba William, said they first met with Cde Chaunoita in the early 1990s in the Johane Marange Apostolic Sect.

“We used to fellowship together and he was someone who was dedicated and believed in his religion.Yes, the road was not smooth, there were temptation­s along the way, but he remained faithful to his God until his death, and that itself speaks volumes about his faith,”he said.

Young brother to Cde Chaunoita, Mr Felix Pedzisai Chabveyo, said his brother was a devoted member of the Apostolic sect.“We were all born worshippin­g in the Johane Marange Apostolic sect, and he only took a break when he went to fight in the liberation war. He came back from the war in 1980 and continued with his church.

Cde Chaunoita was born on June 1, 1958, in Gutu District, Masvingo Province.

 ?? ?? Cde Chaunoita
Cde Chaunoita

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