The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback



Response to “New currency: Business optimistic”

All stakeholde­rs should play their role if our currency is to remain viable.—@ Tom Chisare


Business should also be profession­al and stop increasing charges and fees for services unfairly.—@ Nakai Mukando

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Tobacco sales reach 50 million kg” Prices must continue to firm as the season progresses.— @ Ken

Maungwe *** Hope this season companies will pay farmers on time.— @ Letwin Rusare


Farmers should be able to get meaningful profits from their crop. —@ Lot Chindanya


Response to “Kamativi Mine roars back” Wonderful, this will bring back life to the mining area.— @ Joseph Chiwanga

Response to “Of a non -existent third term bid, desperate detractors”

What a shame to those who had already started peddling lies about the President. He never said he wants a third term.— @ Tambu Chatora


Response to “Zim marches on despite sanctions, drought” Zimbabwe will remain standing despite the challenges; sanctions and drought.— @ Doreen Mawuru


Zimbabwean­s are peace loving people. The nation should always unite and find solutions to challenges encountere­d. United we stand, divided we fall.— @ Chamu Mavhimira

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Response to “VP Chiwenga lights Uhuru Flame”

Will forever be grateful to the sons and daughters who fought to liberate this nation.—@ Josy Chenzira


Response to “Support new currency, media urged”

Media should report responsibl­y and educate the public on the new currency.—@ Denzil Maburutse


Response to “Decrepit buildings a ticking time bomb”

Are there no inspectors? Such buildings should be inspected and certified if they are safe.— @ Brighton Chando


Response to “ZMC launches sexual harassment policy” Noble cause, there should never be cases of sexual harassment in the media industry.— @ Lorraine Marimo


We acknowledg­e the policy that promotes a conducive working environmen­t for journalist­s. Noble idea that will prevent sexual harassment — @ Godfrey Kudeta

*** Response to “500ha irrigation scheme to benefit Kunzvi Dam community”

Irrigation projects are welcome for communitie­s especially now when the country is experienci­ng constant extreme weather conditions.— @ Sheilah Madiro

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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