The Herald (Zimbabwe)

First Lady’s Gota/Nhanga/Ixhiba goes internatio­nal

. . . Foreign delegates attend programme

- Leonard Ncube in VICTORIA FALLS

FIRST Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa’s Gota/Nhanga/Ixhiba programme has charmed young people from across the world after she took the programme to the National Junior Councils’ Annual Conference where she counselled youth to stay true to their values.

The National Junior Councils Associatio­n of Zimbabwe held its 9th National Junior Councillor­s’ Conference in Victoria Falls last week.

For the first time, the conference attracted internatio­nal delegates from South Korea, Namibia and Zambia who marvelled at the work that the mother of the nation is doing.

In particular, young people were elated by how Dr Mnangagwa is grounded in the country’s traditiona­l norms and values and her vision for the future that is guided by active participat­ion of all ages.

Upon arrival at the venue, Amai Mnangagwa toured exhibition stands where men and women displayed various kinds of materials, artefacts and a variety of traditiona­l foods and indigenous fruits.

She patiently visited all the stands and had brief chit-chat sessions with the exhibitors who explained how they were making their foodstuffs or materials, while she also explained to them how some of the items are made.

To spice up the event and show her support, the First Lady also bought some of the artefacts from some of the exhibitors.

After the tour, she went into ‘nhanga’ with the girls, including foreign delegates and some elderly women while boys went to their ‘gota’ where traditiona­l chiefs and local elders took turns to teach them about cultural values and norms.

Boys and girls were taught various duties they are expected to undertake at home and how to conduct themselves to become responsibl­e citizens who are morally upright.

There is a generation­al gap with regards to upholding of cultural values and morals, hence the First Lady’s interventi­on and educative teachings.

Some parents have neglected their parental duty of teaching cultural values to their children some of whom have resorted to drug and substance abuse and early indulgence in immoral behaviour.

The participan­ts commended the First Lady for giving them hope in life, saying her programme should be taken to other countries to restore Pan-Africanism and identity.

“Today we had great teachings from Her Excellency, the First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa,” said Fisabo Mapalo, junior mayor for Walvis Bay in Namibia who was representi­ng her country.

“Her Gota/Nhanga/Ixhiba programme is quite informativ­e, especially the fact that she is bringing back and upholding the Zimbabwean culture and not letting Western culture take over.

“I would definitely want her to come to Namibia to implement this because I think it’s vital for each and everyone to know their heritage and where they are coming from so that when they go to Western countries they don’t throw away their culture in favour of new culture,” said the young leader.

◆ Full story:

 ?? ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa interacts with girls from different countries, imparting to them Zimbabwean traditiona­l values, norms and culture during her educative Nhanga/Gota/Ixhiba programme in Victoria Falls on Saturday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa interacts with girls from different countries, imparting to them Zimbabwean traditiona­l values, norms and culture during her educative Nhanga/Gota/Ixhiba programme in Victoria Falls on Saturday
 ?? ?? Girls, among them one from South Korea, prepare Zimbabwean traditiona­l dishes during Nhanga/Gota/Ixhiba organised by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Victoria Falls
Girls, among them one from South Korea, prepare Zimbabwean traditiona­l dishes during Nhanga/Gota/Ixhiba organised by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Victoria Falls
 ?? ?? Local Government and Public Works Minister Winston Chitando interacts with boys imparting traditiona­l values and norms during Gota/Nhanga/ixhiba organised by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Victoria Falls
Local Government and Public Works Minister Winston Chitando interacts with boys imparting traditiona­l values and norms during Gota/Nhanga/ixhiba organised by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Victoria Falls
 ?? Pictures: Obey Sibanda ?? Boys being taught how to construct a goats pen during Gota/Nhanga/ Ixhiba programme in Victoria Falls.—
Pictures: Obey Sibanda Boys being taught how to construct a goats pen during Gota/Nhanga/ Ixhiba programme in Victoria Falls.—
 ?? ?? Traditiona­l leader Mr Goodman Mpofu, interacts with men and boys, imparting traditiona­l values and norms during Gota/Nhanga/ixhiba organised by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Victoria Falls
Traditiona­l leader Mr Goodman Mpofu, interacts with men and boys, imparting traditiona­l values and norms during Gota/Nhanga/ixhiba organised by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Victoria Falls

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