The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Japan supports Zim’s health sector

- Ivan Zhakata Herald Correspond­ent

GWERU Provincial Hospital has received US$6,5 million worth of medical equipment from the Japanese Embassy and a further US$100 000 for a new health centre in Vungu.

Health and Child Care Minister Dr Douglas Mombeshora hailed Japan for supporting Zimbabwe’s health sector which is critical to the realisatio­n of the country’s developmen­t goals.

Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Health and Child Care Douglas Mombeshora, Deputy Minister Sleiman Timios Kwidini said the Ministry had an obligation to ensure the country attains a middle-income status by 2030 and thus welcomed support from partners like Japan.

The Japanese Embassy donations for the hospital and the health centre in Vungu Rural District Council Ward 9 came through the Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Projects of Japan.

“Gweru Provincial Hospital is a shining example of the excellent collaborat­ion between Zimbabwe and Japan. I note and appreciate the support you gave to our central and provincial hospitals of medical equipment to the tune of US$6 500 000,” said Minister Mombeshora.

Japanese ambassador to Zimbabwe Shinichi Yamanaka said the medical equipment would allow patients, some of whom have been on waiting lists, to access treatment.

“We provided medical equipment to this Gweru Provincial Hospital and it has already been installed. This is a collaborat­ion with the Japanese Management

Systems which is called the 5S KAIZEN approach and we will continue to support the health sector in Zimbabwe.

“More patients are able to be treated for their conditions, and they are much happier with the quality of health service delivery provided. They do not have to wait so long to be treated. The staff are happier too with the improved working environmen­ts,” he said.

The Japan Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n Agency, an implementi­ng agency of the Japanese official developmen­t aid organisati­on, is targeting 13 central and provincial hospitals in the country to ensure easy access to primary healthcare services.

 ?? ?? Deputy Minister Sleiman Kwidini
Deputy Minister Sleiman Kwidini

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