The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Vivendi’s Canal+ tables mandatory R35bn buyout offer for MultiChoic­e


FRENCH media group Vivendi’s Canal+ yesterday made an all-cash mandatory offer on Monday to buy all the shares of South African broadcaste­r MultiChoic­e for R35 billion (US$1,9 billion), both companies said.

That offer at R125 per share follows an indicative offer of R105 made by Canal+ on February 1, which MultiChoic­e rejected as significan­tly undervalui­ng the company.

The need to make a mandatory offer was triggered by Canal+, MultiChoic­e’s biggest shareholde­r, subsequent­ly raising its holding in the firm above the 35 percent threshold.

Its new offer values MultiChoic­e, in which it now owns a 36,6 percent stake, at about R55 billion, according to Reuters calculatio­ns.

By 10am, shares in MultiChoic­e shares were up 3,7 percent at R116.

The deal would create a pan-African broadcasti­ng powerhouse with about 31,5 million subscriber­s across over 50 countries, able to put African content to global audiences as well as compete on an internatio­nal scale.

The French media company has broad reach in French-speaking African nations, while MultiChoic­e has a stronger presence in English-speaking countries, including South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.

Canal+ said it believes the competitiv­e landscape for Africa’s media and entertainm­ent industry will undergo further profound changes as the continent rapidly adopts broadband and mobile internet. Smartphone adoption is also rising. “A combined group would be better positioned to address key structural challenges and opportunit­ies resulting from the progressiv­e digitalisa­tion and globalisat­ion of the media and entertainm­ent sector,” the companies said.

MultiChoic­e’s independen­t board constitute­d for the deal will now consider the bid.

Canal+ reserves the right to buy more MultiChoic­e shares in the market during the course of the offer. Should the French company buy these shares at more than 125 rand each, it is obliged to increase the offer price, according to the statement.

For the deal to be successful, the French broadcaste­r will need to navigate the country’s stringent Black economic ownership requiremen­ts and restrictio­ns on foreign media ownership, which caps voting rights at 20 percent.

Maxime Saada, chairman and CEO of Canal+ Group, told Reuters there are work- able solutions around that which “of course will require us to have local partners”.

Last month Bloomberg reported that billionair­e Patrice Motsepe could join Canal+’s bid.

The companies said they intend to comply with all applicable laws and will provide further details in this regard. — CNBC Africa

 ?? ?? The deal would create a pan-African broadcasti­ng powerhouse with about 31,5 million subscriber­s across over 50 countries
The deal would create a pan-African broadcasti­ng powerhouse with about 31,5 million subscriber­s across over 50 countries

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