The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Revitalisi­ng African democracy from colonial lenses, debunking Western ideologies

- Kudzaishe Taba Correspond­ent —

OUR journey as African nations with democracy, democratis­ation and elections is a sophistica­ted narrative intertwine­d with historical, cultural and socio-political dynamics.

In recent decades, there has been unilateral efforts to foster and cultivate democratic principles across the continent, often in response to colonial legacies and Western influence that sought to participat­e in African democratic affairs.

There are subtle difference­s in expression of African democracy, the process of democratis­ation and the role of elections in shaping political landscapes.

There is need to challenge Western-centric perspectiv­es, by advocating for a colonial approach to understand­ing and revitalisi­ng African democracy for the preservati­on of African cultures, our heritage.

Democracy in Africa is not a monolithic concept but a tapestry of diverse experience­s, reflecting the continent’s rich diversity of cultures, traditions and governance systems.

Abraham Lincoln once said “that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

This speech by the then US president has been deemed the best known speech on democracy. It has been described as the dream of any nation; regarded as ideal for any nation. The Western countries have chosen to swing democracy and define democracy in a way that suits them.

Derived from two Greek words “demos”, meaning the people, and “kretos”, meaning power, democracy translates to “the power of the people” while this may be a universal meaning, this “power to the people” may not be applied homogeneou­sly across different countries.

Colonialis­ts retarded democracy in Africa. It highly influenced how Africans were supposed to be treated as opposed to their own liberty. Colonisati­on even distorted how democracy is perceived in Africa.

The question now is democracy for who, from who?

Should we as Africans, or particular­ly Zimbabwean nationals, adopt democracy in the same way that Western countries have?

It must be of paramount importance to know that the power of the people is not derived from the same things.

It may be appreciate­d and realistic but should not be imposed on Africa.

From the grassroots movements advocating for social justice to the institutio­nal reforms at the national level, African democracy is constantly evolving.

African democracy covers the aspiration­s of African peoples for freedom, equality and meaningful participat­ion in governance.

Democratis­ation, on the other hand, refers to the process of transition­ing towards democratic systems of governance.

African nations have made significan­t strides in democracy, with many embracing multiparty systems, enhancing civil liberties and promoting inclusive political participat­ion.

Elections play a pivotal and vital role in the democratis­ation process, serving as a mechanism for political expression and accountabi­lity. Elections are a crucial cornerston­e of democracy, providing opportunit­ies for citizens to voice their preference­s and hold leaders accountabl­e.

One of the critical lenses through which African democracy must be revitalise­d and rejuvenate­d is the colonial perspectiv­e.

Historical­ly, Western powers imposed colonial structures and ideologies that continue to influence African governance and political thought.

Decolonisa­tion involves challengin­g and dismantlin­g these inherited systems of oppression, reclaiming African agency and reshaping democratic processes based on indigenous values and principles for Africa, by Africans.

Debunking Western ideologies requires a re-evaluation of key democratic concepts such as representa­tion and governance.

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