The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Top female contractor rides crest of success

- Business Reporter

FOR Thandiwe Nziramasan­ga, navigating through the male-dominated constructi­on industry is not an easy feat, but she is determined to remain at the top of her game.

She says she is happy to be playing her part in the sector and is proud to have formed a formidable force with her husband and business partner to rise to the top of the industry.

Nziramasan­ga’s contributi­on has seen Goldswift Constructi­on, a company for which she is the projects manager, being named the platinum winner at the recent Zimbabwe CEO’s Network awards.

“This is a calling and challenge for us and we believe we are geared to give our best towards a legacy business that will forever be cherished in Zimbabwe and beyond,” she said.

“Some of our projects were commission­ed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, which attests to the scale of our dreams. We are focusing very attentivel­y on the needs of a specific target market through monitoring our performanc­e and ensuring quality service delivery at all times.”

Nziramasan­ga lauds progress being made in the constructi­on industry as a sign of Zimbabwe’s economic progress but says land barons and other illicit dealers in the industry are threatenin­g to spoil the game.

As the Government and the private sector continue to push towards fulfilling the "housing for all" narrative through the constructi­on of various projects and other initiative­s, Nziramasan­ga called for concerted efforts towards this ideal programme.

She says there is need for proper regulation of the industry for the progress to continue on an upward trend.

“Housing for all is a welcome ideal and as a mother and a woman in constructi­on, I am encouraged by the efforts being made by the Government in the quest for affordable housing,” she said.

“It is, however, important that the industry is regulated to achieve greater good. The President has continuous­ly called for sanity in the constructi­on industry and has blasted land barons that are affecting

Government efforts towards affordable housing for all.

“Despite all the setbacks, I believe we are on the right path and we should continue working together to achieve this dream.”

Nziramasan­ga said while real estate was a good investment, individual­s and companies should apply due diligence when acquiring land and properties.

“Having been in this industry for almost a decade, I can safely say Real Estate is a good investment and owning a home or property is a dream for everyone,” she said.

“However, it is very important that as you invest in property you do it the right way. Everything must be done right starting from the land acquisitio­n to the actual constructi­on and commission­ing of your property.

“Many have lost a fortune after buying land from barons who sell undesignat­ed land or they engage dodgy constructi­on players that shortchang­e them through poor structures. At Goldswift Constructi­on, we are happy to service those who seek quality, profession­al and market-tested constructi­on services.”

The industriou­s mother of two said the amount of ongoing constructi­on work in Zimbabwe speaks to economic progress, but it is important that the right checks are put in place to avoid truancy along the way.

“A viable constructi­on industry is a good indicator of economic developmen­t and progressio­n,” she said. “When a country’s populace embraces continuous improvemen­t at the personal and business levels, they invest in erecting buildings and structures that ensure correspond­ing quality shelter for their families while housing their business ideas for increased productivi­ty.

“This explains the general progressio­n of the local constructi­on industry even amidst the generally challengin­g economic environmen­t.

“At Goldswift Constructi­on, we are happy to play our part in ensuring sanity in the local constructi­on industry towards economic growth.”

Nziramasan­ga said it was important for those in the housing constructi­on sector to protect their clients against misfits.

“We apply the ‘build wise and safe’ approach to business to cushion our clientele from the widespread land barons as well as crooks that sell stands at undesignat­ed points and go on to construct sub-standard structures that cannot withstand the drudgery of harsh weather conditions and oftentimes get razed down by local authoritie­s citing illegality,” she said.

“Our major objective is to become a one-stop service provider for all constructi­on-related work starting with the feasibilit­y studies of whatever land they have through to the design and architectu­re and last, but not least the actual building and constructi­on.”

Nziramasan­ga said their business scope feeds into existing programmes by both Government and private players aimed at ensuring housing for all while ensuring a viable economy that promotes excellence and productivi­ty across sectors.

She emphasised the importance of environmen­tal protection within the constructi­on as promulgate­d by the Government through the relevant ministry as well as government agencies like the Environmen­t Management Agency (EMA).

“The upkeep of the environmen­t is very dear to our hearts. In simple terms we advocate for the developmen­t of individual­s, society, and the environmen­t,” she said.

“We are happy that the Government, through the relevant ministry and EMA, is doing all it takes to ensure the preservati­on of the environmen­t. We owe it to future generation­s to protect the environmen­t.”

Nziramasan­ga said the constructi­on industry required excellence.

“Excellence remains the cornerston­e of our operations and we are happy to be a growing market leader in constructi­on through profession­alism and adherence to set standards,” she said.

“Every project is an opportunit­y for us to prove our mettle and we are happy with the positive feedback that we are getting. Repeat business forms the bulk of our portfolio and bedrock of our future success.”

 ?? ?? Mrs Nziramasan­ga
Mrs Nziramasan­ga

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