The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Youth urged to take up bank initiative­s on offer

- Remember Deketeke Herald Correspond­ent

ENTREPRENE­URSHIP is the gateway to economic developmen­t and job creation, Youth Empowermen­t, Developmen­t and Vocational Training Minister Tino Machakaire told the EmpowerBan­k youth empowermen­t initiative in Harare on Tuesday.

This initiative was brought by the EmpowerBan­k to motivate youths in creating their own employment by giving them loans to open and expand businesses and so boost and create employment.

“Our nation, through the leadership of His Excellency, Dr E.D. Mnangagwa, values the role of youth in national developmen­t,” he said.

“In that regard, the Second Republic has to date launched several youth empowermen­t initiative­s across the country’s key economic sectors such as the creation of EmpowerBan­k, a youth centric microfinan­ce bank under the Ministry of Youth Empowermen­t, Developmen­t and Vocational Training.”

Minister Machakaire said young people were passionate about improving the economy, and they may do so by participat­ing in the economy.

“The youth has the energy and innovative ideas to create a paradigm shift in the economic developmen­t of our Motherland.

“Through EmpowerBan­k and its youth empowermen­t financial services and solutions, the government is fostering a society in which youth are included and are given the means to meaningful­ly contribute to economic developmen­t,” he said.

Youths had to seize the chances for empowermen­t provided by the Second Republic.

“To all youth, I urge you to take the empowermen­t opportunit­ies created by Government ministries, department­s and agencies and excel in all the economic sectors. In the spirit of leaving no one and no place behind, we will do everything to include all youths in our programmin­g,” he said.

Ms Chipo Amanda Mataka, a fabric waste manager, who won US$2 000 at the youth business pitch said she will be able to buy most of the heavy duty industrial machines needed.

“With the financial support from EmpowerBan­k youth empowermen­t programme my business will expand its production capacity and move from the current state where the business has been relying on 100 percent manual labour,” she said.

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 ?? - Picture: Nicholas Bakili ?? Minister of Youth Empowermen­t, Developmen­t and Vocational Training Tino Machakaire (second from left) hands over a cheque to the winner, Chipo Mataka (second from right), while Deputy Minister Kudakwashe Mupamhanga (left) looks on during the Empowerban­k Youth Empowermen­t Night in Harare yesterday.
- Picture: Nicholas Bakili Minister of Youth Empowermen­t, Developmen­t and Vocational Training Tino Machakaire (second from left) hands over a cheque to the winner, Chipo Mataka (second from right), while Deputy Minister Kudakwashe Mupamhanga (left) looks on during the Empowerban­k Youth Empowermen­t Night in Harare yesterday.

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