The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘No room for drug abuse in army’

- Michael Magoronga

ARMY officers abusing drugs will be instantly discharged from military service, ZNA Chief of Staff (Quartermas­ter Staff) Major-General Hlanganani Dube warned at the Ninth Inter-Formation and Unit Drill Competitio­n at 5 Infantry Brigade in Kwekwe on Tuesday.

As part of their culture of high discipline, soldiers should be torch-bearers in denouncing the drug and substance abuse menace, he said.

His sentiments come at a time when the country is grappling with the drug and substance abuse menace which has already been declared a security threat by Government. A technical committee to address the scourge has since establishe­d.

President Mnangagwa set up the National Committee on Drugs and Substance Abuse, chaired by Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

Maj Gen Dube said discipline was a basic element of military culture which had moulded the Zimbabwe National Army to be one of the highly discipline­d and profession­al armies within the Sadc region.

“Indiscipli­ne will not be tolerated and those found on the wrong side of the law will be dealt with severely. On a related note, a new ingredient in the recipe of indiscipli­ne has manifested itself, and it is drug and substance abuse,” he said.

“This nation has been hit by this grossly negative phenomenon. All should be warned that there is no place for drug and substance abuse in ZNA and the Zimbabwe Defence Forces in general. Anyone caught in this act, will be instantly discharged. Forewarned is forearmed.”

The two-week-long drill competitio­ns, which started on 27 November, drew participan­ts from all the 10 top-level formations and four units of the ZNA across the country.

The hosts, 5 Infantry Brigade, emerged winners of the competitio­ns held under the theme: “Drill, inculcatin­g discipline, obedience and loyalty towards the attainment of Vision 2030.”

Maj Gen Dube said the competitio­ns were designed to evaluate the level of drill and measure discipline within the army, hence the participat­ion of all ZNA formations and units.

“In its simplest forms, drill involves the coordinati­on of the mind and body, thus unifying individual actions to come up with one execution. In that regard, a drill is very important because it improves physical fitness, progressiv­ely toughness, and conditions soldiers while improving their teamwork, confidence, uniformity and in the process their discipline,” he said. “Thus, in order to attain high standards of military proficienc­y, drill should be a soldier’s daily activity. Drill and discipline are inseparabl­e.”

Discipline was the hallmark of any profession­al army while the drill is the cornerston­e of discipline within the military.

“The two are inseparabl­e as drill movements are an adherence to command and control which in itself is a sign of discipline. ZNA attaches great importance to drill as it instils discipline within the rank and file individual­ly and collective­ly,” he said.

Maj Gen Dube hailed the participat­ion of female members of the army.

“I am pleased by the continued participat­ion of the Zimbabwe Women Services in these competitio­ns. This is a clear testimony of the importance being placed on the profession­al developmen­t of female soldiers within the ZDF,” he said.

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