The Herald (Zimbabwe)

China gives Zim shot in the arm

- Wallace Ruzvidzo Herald Reporter

ZIMBABWE, a regional giant in peace-keeping efforts and stability, yesterday received a shot in the arm from its all-weather friend China in the form of military support that will go a long way towards the modernisat­ion of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF).

Over the years, Zimbabwe, which maintains a “friend to all and enemy to none” foreign policy thrust, has been a major player in peace-keeping efforts on the African continent, playing a sterling role in countries like Somalia, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola.

Presently, the country is part of the joint SADC Mission in Mozambique that is securing peace in the wake of terrorism in the Cabo Delgado region.

With the threat of terrorism rising in the region, Zimbabwe yesterday took delivery of military equipment that is expected to go a long way in reinforcin­g its defence capabiliti­es especially against emerging global threats of terrorism.

Speaking at the handover ceremony of the military equipment at Inkomo Barracks, President Mnangagwa said the innumerabl­e support and investment rendered by China towards Zimbabwe’s developmen­t is a reflection of strengthen­ing relations between the two countries.

“This gift of an assortment of strategic military equipment is testimony of the strong fraternal relations between Zimbabwe and the People’s Republic of China, under our present framework of Comprehens­ive Strategic Partnershi­p.

“It is indeed pleasing that the enduring relations between our two countries continue to grow, including in the strategic area of military cooperatio­n.

“This dates back to Zimbabwe’s protracted war of liberation and has deepened under the Second Republic, as evidenced by the innumerabl­e support and investment our country is receiving from China. This spans across all sectors of the economy,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said even after the attainment of Zimbabwe’s independen­ce in 1980 China has remained a resolute friend of the country.

“May I once again recognise China as a consistent friend of Zimbabwe. Over the last 23 years, the socio-economic growth, developmen­t and prosperity of our country has been weighed down by the albatross of the Western imposed illegal sanctions. Throughout this period, China has been a true and reliable ally. We are forever thankful.

“In supporting us in Zimbabwe, along with many other nations in Africa and the world at large, the People’s Republic of China is applauded for accelerati­ng people-centred developmen­t for a shared future for mankind. Particular­ly, we note and stand ready to play our part under the Global Developmen­t Initiative as well as the Belt and Road Initiative,” he said.

President Mnangagwa, who is the Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, said Zimbabwe was grateful for the unflinchin­g friendship between its military and the People’s Liberation Army.

Such donations, he added, would go a long way in modernisin­g Zimbabwe’s military, as well

as ensuring the ZDF remains an indomitabl­e and efficient force.

“Today, this delivery of Military Gratis Equipment valued at 200 million RMB (US$28 million) will go a long way towards consolidat­ing our ongoing quest to modernise the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.

“The additional dispatch of a training team of experts to train military personnel is most welcome and complement­s my Government’s multi-pronged programme to capacitate our military to be more responsive to both traditiona­l and contempora­ry security threats.

“Furthermor­e, the equipment and training programmes being conducted by members of the People’s Liberation Army will assist in ensuring that the ZDF remains an efficient and capable force, able to play its part as enshrined in our Constituti­on and in line with regional, continenta­l and global expectatio­ns,” he said.

Zimbabwe, said President Mnangagwa, is ready to consolidat­e partnershi­ps with countries such as China on the basis of mutuality.

“Under the Second Republic, ‘Zimbabwe is a friend to all and enemy of none’. We, thus, stand ready to scale up partnershi­ps with China and other progressiv­e countries in the comity of nations, on the basis of mutual benefits and cooperatio­n, towards shared prosperity and global peace,” he said.

President Mnangagwa added that partnershi­p between the ZDF and the People’s Liberation Army have continued on an upward trajectory as evidenced by prior donations.

“With regards to our partnershi­p between our Zimbabwe Defence Forces and the People’s Liberation Army, I recall that in 2020, the ZDF received a donation of gratis medical equipment from China, for the VVIP and Military Referral Hospital under constructi­on at the Manyame Air Force Base.

“Subsequent­ly, the People’s Liberation Army, dispatched a technical team, led by Group Captain Geng Jie, to appreciate the structure and progress made to date. We are grateful for such a show of unwavering friendship,” he said.

The Head of State said Zimbabwe stands ready to support initiative­s that foster global peace and denounce “undue interferen­ce” in sovereign countries’ affairs.

“Our country will continue to support all efforts to strengthen multi-lateralism and dialogue in global peace initiative­s. We strongly oppose all forms of double standards, hegemonic tendencies and the undue interferen­ce in the internal affairs of sovereign states,” he said.

President Mnangagwa went on to express gratitude to his “dear brother” Chinese President Xi Jinping for the thoughtful military aid.

“Let me conclude by thanking you, Ambassador Zhou Ding and the Chinese Embassy Staff for promoting closer cooperatio­n and investment­s between our two sister Republics and ensuring that the various projects we are undertakin­g, come to fruition.

“Finally, Your Excellency, Ambassador, Zhou Ding, may you kindly convey warm greetings and our sincere gratitude to His Excellency, President Xi Jinping, and through him, to the people and Government of the People’s Republic of China, as well as the People’s Liberation Army, for this generous gift,” he said.

China’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Zhou Ding described Zimbabwe as “a great friend” hence the donation of the state of the art equipment.

Ambassador Zhou said the two countries’ militaries would continue to strengthen their cooperatio­n.

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 ?? — Picture: Memory Mangombe ?? President Mnangagwa joins hands in prayer with Zimbabwe Indigenous Churches patron Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi (right), Edmore Chihota of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (second from left) and Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri during the National Day of Prayer at State House yesterday.
— Picture: Memory Mangombe President Mnangagwa joins hands in prayer with Zimbabwe Indigenous Churches patron Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi (right), Edmore Chihota of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (second from left) and Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri during the National Day of Prayer at State House yesterday.
 ?? — Picture: Justin Mutenda ?? The President cuts the ribbon as he receives military equipment from China flanked by Chi- nese Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mr Zhou Ding, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri (left), Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda (second from left), Air Vice Marshal Biltim Chingono (right) and other delegates at Inkomo Barracks in Zvimba yesterday. (More pictures on Page 2)
— Picture: Justin Mutenda The President cuts the ribbon as he receives military equipment from China flanked by Chi- nese Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mr Zhou Ding, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri (left), Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda (second from left), Air Vice Marshal Biltim Chingono (right) and other delegates at Inkomo Barracks in Zvimba yesterday. (More pictures on Page 2)
 ?? — File picture ?? Commander Zimbabwe National Army Lt-Gen Sanyatwe was present at the handover of military equipment from China at Inkomo Barracks yesterday.
— File picture Commander Zimbabwe National Army Lt-Gen Sanyatwe was present at the handover of military equipment from China at Inkomo Barracks yesterday.
 ?? - Picture: Justin Mutenda ?? President Mnangagwa, Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Zhou Ding, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda (right and partially obscured) listen while an army officer explains some of the military equipment received from China at Inkomo Barracks yesterday.
- Picture: Justin Mutenda President Mnangagwa, Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Zhou Ding, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda (right and partially obscured) listen while an army officer explains some of the military equipment received from China at Inkomo Barracks yesterday.
 ?? ?? Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces Philip Valerio Sibanda shows President Mnangagwa, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri and Minister of State for Mashonalan­d Central Provincial Affairs and Devolution Marian Chombo some of the military equipment during the handover ceremony at Inkomo Barracks yesterday
Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces Philip Valerio Sibanda shows President Mnangagwa, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri and Minister of State for Mashonalan­d Central Provincial Affairs and Devolution Marian Chombo some of the military equipment during the handover ceremony at Inkomo Barracks yesterday

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