The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘SADC States keen to emulate 2nd Republic’

- country’s developmen­t towards Vision 2030, to become an uppermiddl­e-class

Political Editor POLICIES adopted by the Second Republic that have seen the country’s economy growing exponentia­lly albeit under difficult circumstan­ces have piqued the interest of SADC member States that are keen to emulate Zimbabwe’s success story.

This includes accompanyi­ng infrastruc­ture developmen­t projects.

President Mnangagwa yesterday told the ZANU PF Politburo that the country’s achievemen­ts in attaining food security and the constructi­on boom without external lines of credit has become a case study of the region.

“The developmen­tal and growth milestones we are realising across all sectors of the economy, attest to the sound policies of our party and Government as well as the resilience and hard honest work ethic of the people of our great motherland, Zimbabwe. We have every reason to be proud of ourselves as a nation.

“The initiative­s we are undertakin­g, in spite of the illegal economic sanctions, are ground breaking. Our Pfumvudza/Intwasa Agricultur­e Model is gaining regional, continenta­l and global acclaim. Similarly, the ongoing infrastruc­ture developmen­t model, through our own local resources, provides a useful case study for others to emulate towards accelerate­d developmen­t in our SADC region and on the continent, ”the President said.

For decades Zimbabwe has been under illegal Western economic sanctions that were imposed as punishment for the land reform programme, but the Second Republic has since turned adversity into opportunit­y through embracing science and technology as anchors to the economy.

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 ?? — ?? President Mnangagwa speaks during the 2023 last ZANU PF Politburo meeting in Harare yesterday. Picture: Justin Mutenda
— President Mnangagwa speaks during the 2023 last ZANU PF Politburo meeting in Harare yesterday. Picture: Justin Mutenda

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