NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

2025 Economic Census sensitisat­ion begins


THE Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat) is currently identifyin­g business establishm­ents to come up with a comprehens­ive business register in preparatio­n for the 2025 Economic Census mapping and listing exercise.

The 2025 Economic Census will cover micro, small, medium and large enterprise­s.

Speaking at Mashonalan­d West sensitisat­ion meeting yesterday, ZimStat acting director-general Fadzayi Ndlovu said business census statistics were key for evidence-based policy, decisionma­king, strategic planning and gross product compilatio­n.

“The 2025 Economic Census is a comprehens­ive survey that the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency will undertake to produce comprehens­ive baseline statistics on the size and structure of the economy. The statistics are key for evidence-based policy formulatio­n, decision making, strategic planning and gross domestic product compilatio­n” Ndlovu said.

She said ZimStat was expecting maximum support from the business community through the provision of timely and truthful informatio­n be it stateowned enterprise­s or privately-owned businesses whether registered or not registered.

“The inaugural 2025 Economic Census is a priority project for which the government is fully committed to its successful implementa­tion as such maximum support is expected from the business community” Ndlovu said.

ZimStat industrial statistics manager Kuda Chigumo allayed business fears saying data collected will not be shared with anyone let alone Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra).

“Informatio­n gathered will not be shared with anyone even Zimra so businesses should provide informatio­n requested by our numerators truthful” assured Ndlovu.

The census will also provide baseline statistica­l informatio­n for crafting National Developmen­t Strategy 2 running from 2026-30.

The theme of the census is Counting Every Business, Shaping Economic Policies.

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