NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

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IN response to Exam leaks spook Zimsec, MUCHEZI says: I blame all this on Zanu PF. It is behind all the bad things happening in the country. Where is Zupco today? Does it still have its own buses? Where is National Railways of Zimbabwe? Where is Ziscosteel? What happened to it? All this is because of Zanu PF. All fingers point at the ruining party.

DRSTOPIT! says: The reputation of the country’s education sector is in tatters. From examinatio­n paper leakages to teacher demoralisa­tion leading to job action, there is nothing to celebrate in our education sector. The regime has failed it. President Emmerson Mnangagwa cannot rebuild this country and put it in forward gear.

Damaging tollgates now risky, drivers warned,

IN response to

PROMO says: Instead, the government should be rehabilita­ting roads that are in a bad state. It should also capacitate the police so that they are present on our roads, as well as educate motorists to take it easy on the roads. Domboshava road is in a bad state, and government is not doing anything about it.

IN response to Dry spell returns: WFP, GIDEON MOYO says: We have been receiving heavy rains in the past days, but some of the dams in rural areas like Gariya Dam in Tsholotsho have been neglected by the authoritie­s. They no longer holding enough water.


says: It’s so embarrassi­ng that these reports always come when there is a rain break. As soon as the rains resume, these false prediction­s are exposed. It was reported that it was not going to rain in mid-November, but rainfall came and many dams in Zimbabwe are overflowin­g. That’s where harvested rain water comes into play when there is a rainfall break.

REDDY GUTIE says: The El Niño phenomenon is here to stay, no matter the amount of rain that fell.

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