NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Govt Gukurahund­i roadmap tragically slow: Watchdog


A PEACEBUILD­ING watchdog, Heal Zimbabwe Trust (HZT), says addressing Gukurahund­i needs a comprehens­ive approach centred on truth telling to prevent future tragedies.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa last year appointed chiefs to lead public hearings towards addressing Gukurahund­i.

The chiefs have not started the public hearings and they only received training on how to conduct them last month.

They also received laptops, recorders and printers to document the public hearings.

HZT advocacy officer, Tapiwanash­e Chiriga, expressed concern over the half-hearted approach by authoritie­s in addressing the massacres.

“While we take note of the efforts by the government to engage traditiona­l leaders to resolve Gukurahund­i, we contend that this is simply not enough and the rate at which this is happening is tragically slow,” Chiriga said.

“Any attempt to resolve Gukurahund­i and other dark moments of our history must involve all five pillars of transition­al justice, namely truth, justice, reparation­s, memorialis­ation and guarantees against recurrence through institutio­nal reforms.”

“Government and Parliament must amend the Constituti­on to transform and strengthen the National Peace and Reconcilia­tion Commission (NPRC) into a truth, peace, justice and reconcilia­tion institutio­n that effects national healing and transition­al justice that is victim centred and reflective of the desire to build social cohesion and true national unity.”

At least 20 000 civilians in Matabelela­nd and Midlands were killed during Gukurahund­i when the late Robert Mugabe deployed a North Korea-trained Fifth Brigade to fight alleged dissidents.

The majority of the victims were supporters of PF Zapu.

Mugabe died before offering an apology and compensati­on to the victims and only acknowledg­ed the massacres as a moment of madness.

Mugabe blocked public debate on Gukurahund­i until he died.

“We agree with the government that traditiona­l leaders play a critical role in resolving Gukurahund­i but we believe the whole process must be led by a strengthen­ed, reformed and independen­t NPRC working with civil society, traditiona­l leaders and the church while putting victims and survivors at the centre of process,” Chiriga said.

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