NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Police track, identify booze drinking


POLICE say they have identified two of the 10 minors who were caught on video on Christmas Day drinking beer in central Harare.

In a statement yesterday, national police spokespers­on Assistant Commission­er Paul Nyathi said the two were aged 11 and 13, adding that the police had also identified and located their parents.

“The father and mother separated in November 2022, with the two minors being taken into the custody of their mother in Epworth area, Harare. It is alleged that they later left home and engaged in street begging, vending and some misdemeano­urs in Harare central business district with other street kids,” he said.

“On December 25, 2023, the two minors who were in the company of eight street kids obtained Mayfair alcohol through a person who is yet to be identified by the police.

“The minors sat on the veranda of a cellphone shop along Innez Terrace near a prominent food outlet. They consumed the alcohol openly in public.”

Nyathi said police had also identified a local businesspe­rson who recorded the viral social media video and he was assisting police to get full facts of the incident, adding that the law enforcemen­t agents were yet to identify the other minors.

In an unrelated case, Nyathi said police were investigat­ing the circumstan­ces in which Keisha Makovana (13) was stabbed to death with a knife by Munyaradzi Musariri (27) at Glen Norah B flats after the two had been found being intimate in the girl’s parents’ bedroom on Boxing Day. Nyathi said Musariri claimed that he had agreed with the minor to stab each other to death after being found in her parents’ blankets between 6pm and 7pm on the day.

The suspect is admitted at a local hospital under police guard.

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