H Metro


- Mathew Masinge

PEZHUBA Pachena dance group have secured their spot to contest this year’s Chibuku Neshamwari Traditiona­l Dance Festival finals.

The Hwange-based group returned for the second time after falling short in 2022.

The group were winners during a Matabelela­nd North preliminar­y round held at Chinotimba New Tavern in Victoria Falls at the weekend. Pezhuba Pachena, who showcased a nsumbule dance, took home US$2 500 for their efforts.

Victoria Falls groups Amakhosika­zi and Sozifika, were first and second runners-up.

They showcased isitshikit­sha and Mzansi dances. Organisers say they are now gearing up for the national finals.

“We are happy with the progress so far and encourage all participan­ts in provinces to up their game as the competitio­n progresses to their regions. We applaud the diversity from the participan­ts and look forward to a competitiv­e national final,” said Delta Corporatio­n marketing director Irimayi Muzorewa.

“We have so far done auditions in Matabelela­nd South, Matabelela­nd North and Mashonalan­d East and will be moving to other venues across the country.

“Promoting arts and culture remains our priority as we say thank you to our consumers by bringing them together through dance,” he said.

Nyaungwe Dance Group will represent Mashonalan­d East while Bolamba dance ensemble will represent Matebelela­nd South.

On Saturday, the preliminar­y round is heading to Mashonalan­d Central (Guruve) where various groups will battle for the spot to represent the province.

Harare Metropolit­an is expected to host its preliminar­y round on June 22 at PaDziva Camp and Caravan Park.

The national finals are set for July 27 where the winner will walk away with US$15 000.

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