H Metro


- Tafara Chibanda.

A 36-YEAR-OLD Kuwadzana woman has pleaded for acceptance in the community as she strives to make ends meet after being released from prison.

Concilia Ndlovu has been fighting an uphill battle for acceptance since her release from prison on December 16, 2022, after serving two years for selling drugs.

Despite her efforts to rebuild her life, Ndlovu faces stigma and discrimina­tion, making it impossible to secure a job or reintegrat­e into society.

She said she is struggling to find a job because once people discover her past, they shun her.

“I was even fired from a house job after just three days of working when my employers recognised me from news reports,” said Ndlovu.

“I was humiliated on social media because I once went to Tilda’s radio show with my story.

“My own relatives used to help me while I was in prison, but now that I’m out they no longer assist me.

“My troubles began in April 2020 when I was arrested for selling marijuana and the cough medicine, Bronclear.

“At the time, I had turned to selling drugs to support myself and my two children after separating from my husband.

“After serving time in several different prisons,

including Guruve, Bindura, Chikurubi and Marondera Open Prison, I was released on good behaviour in December 2022.”

Ndlovu said a glimmer of hope emerged when an Australian benefactor offered to sponsor her to undertake a sewing course, which she did not complete.

The arrangemen­t soured when he demanded repayment of US$703, despite Ndlovu only using $400.

“We had agreed that I was going to repay his money in instalment­s after finishing the course but he threatened to get me arrested.

“I want to be accepted in the community, but people judge me by my past and seem to take advantage of my situation.”

 ?? ?? Concilia Ndlovu
Concilia Ndlovu

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