H Metro

Children deserve maximum protection H-METRO


THE Chitungwiz­a woman, who has riled fellow residents by neglecting her one-year-old twins, is a disgrace to motherhood.

Some of her neighbours are now even calling for Linda Tinashe’s arrest for child abuse.

It’s something they have seen happen in other countries for similar offences.

Two years ago, an American couple was arrested for leaving their toddler alone at home in South Carolina as they flew to New York for a holiday.

Donald Gekonge and Darline Aldrich, who were both 24, left their two-year-old child alone at their apartment in Charleston­e as they flew to the Big Apple for a holiday.

When the apartment manager finally got in touch with Donald, he was shocked to hear that the father, and mother, were on holiday in New York.

They are not the only ones and their case shows that generally societies around the world do not take such cases of child abuse lightly.

Not only is Linda neglecting the twins but she is leaving them under the care of her nine-year-old daughter.

So dire is the situation that the nineyear-old daughter has dropped out of school to perform motherly roles.

It’s unfair for the nine-year-old to miss classes simply because she has to look after her siblings.

Linda confirmed that all her kids had dropped out of school.

She also admitted that the nine-yearold has been looking after the twins when she leaves for personal errands.

Some of her errands include visiting the shrine of a self-styled Madzibaba in Seke as well as clients for personal hairdos.

The husband, Desmond Dahwa, is a security guard working in Kwekwe.

It appears Linda has no time for her kids and is unfit to be a mother.

Her claims that she is seeking divine interventi­on to fend for the children don’t hold water.

Linda and Desmond should put their house in order and take care of the children.

The kids did not choose to be born but it was the parents’ choice.

Children deserve maximum protection from parents against all forms of abuse.

In this case, we have parents who are violating children’s rights by being irresponsi­ble.

Linda and Desmond should clear their mess and prioritise the welfare of their children.

If they are not capable of looking after their children, they must give these kids up for adoption.

Children’s rights groups and voluntary social workers should also assess the situation to save the children.

A responsibl­e mother does not leave her kids, especially those who are one-year-old, under the care of a nine-year-old child.

A real and caring father should be concerned about the welfare of his kids.

In this case, we have two irresponsi­ble people masqueradi­ng as parents.

The police in Zengeza should also assess the situation and bring the culprits to book.

The parents should act swiftly and send the nine-year-old to school.

The little girl can’t miss classes because of her parents who are not organised.

It’s a shame for Linda and Desmond to be found in this predicamen­t.

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