H Metro



- — FAN. — FAN.

Why is it nowadays prophets, pastors and whatsoever are all after numbers? If you are a true man or woman of God and God tells you to do a crusade, you don’t have to worry how many people will come. It’s not about numbers, it’s about the word, it can be 10 000 people who come but it’s the word that matters and not the numbers. — LEE.

We know people are too busy and they are always looking for money and hustling. But, in your busy schedules, don’t forget to look after your children. Cases of mothers leaving their children in the hands of young children are worrying, same as leaving children with strangers. Let’s think money but also think about our children, otherwise we will end up crying. Siirai vana vanhu vari responsibl­e. Kusiira neighbour is not safe as well unless iri hama yepadhuze. —RESIDENT.

I used to think Dynamos ine kamwe kaorder so after getting some sponsors but yoh, I was wrong. What is wrong with paying the players whom you want to win matches? Chiiko chinonetsa chaizvo? I am not surprised to see that some of the teams are not winning. The results emanate from lack of payments, there is no coordinati­on. Please honour the dues and the players will deliver. Imari yakawanda seiko inoita kuti musade kupa maplayers mari?

Again we have the story of Trevor Dongo having some pregnancy drama. Why is it our celebs don’t want to learn? Drama after drama. Ko kana vaitisa munhu nhumbu, mutore ka mugare mese. Be responsibl­e ladies and gentlemen. — READER.

Luton were relegated the same time Aston Villa qualified to play in the Champions League. Think of Marvelous Nakamba and imagine if he was still playing for Aston Villa. It’s every player’s dream to play in the UEFA Champions League. — NYASHADZAM­WARI.

There is nothing we can do now. Let’s support Tapera and the squad. He was appointed to lead his country and he said yes. What do you want him to do? Complain after duty. You never know what is going to happen. Let us support the team and the dream. — READER.

Manchester United and Chelsea must learn from Arsenal and Man City. They gave their coaches money to buy players of their own choice.

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