H Metro


- Trust Khosa

MATHEMATIC­S teacher, arts researcher and farmer, Biggie Chiranga, says he can’t resist the appeal of Shona Literature.

Known as one of the finest Mathematic­s tutors, Chiranga has also establishe­d himself as a writer.

His eight poems — “Sipiti Rangu”, “Simbi Dzebasa”, “Karikiriki”, “Chauya Chauya”, “Makarekare”, “Mineti” and “Uchanangep­i?” — have been included in a new Shona anthology titled “Mabvazuva”.

The book, which has been endorsed for the new curriculum by education chiefs, tackles several issues meant to help young students.

These include parental advice, social ills, laughter and the promotion of Shona Literature.

In an interview, Chiranga said:

“The book describes a lot of things, it’s comprehens­ive and touches on several things like narcissism, the beauty of Africa, and Pan-Africanism.

“There are some nuggets of wisdom, moralism and didactic trends.

“The poems urge us to love one another and have compassion for each other.”

He added:

“It has been used metaphoric­ally to show that it’s the genesis of wisdom.

“We also promote the advancemen­t of technology like digitalisa­tion and all this is akin to how the sun rises.”

Chiranga, who made headlines after publishing another book on the history of the Chimbetu family dubbed “Musambo WeDendera, has vowed to revive the reading culture.

“We have to organise some workshops promoting the interest in reading

“We can only win this collective­ly by making the literature available for our kids through various platforms.

“It’s never too late for us to achieve that mission of promoting the reading culture.”

“Mabvazuva” is a collection of 140 pieces from other writers.

These include Itai Hector Chari, Pamela Phiri, Totnderayi Matema, Zviri Mukati, Cain Calimbauta, Patson Zharare, Aldous Mangadza, Yeukai Mapingure, Simbarashe Chiikure, Tarisai Mushipe, Tinashe Mukombe, Simeon Mukombe, Emmanuel Karikoga, Memory Toriro, Langton Mukucho, Tamutswa Muzana and Mutisi Titus.

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BIGGIE Chiranga

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