H Metro


. . . duo settles difference­s after aunt’s interventi­on

- Arron Nyamayaro

TREVOR DONGO says he has settled issues with his pregnant lover after a dramatic day in which she spent the whole night in the cold after the singer refused to let her enter his flat.

The lover has been accompanie­d by relatives who wanted her to stay with the musician as husband and wife because they claim he is responsibl­e for her pregnancy.

Speaking through his lieutenant, Kelvin Motsi, Trevor said everything had now been sorted out with his pregnant lover, only identified as Natasha.

This followed an engagement he made with her aunt.

“Natasha came with some unidentifi­ed men whom we doubted to be her relatives.

“Trevor felt threatened and refused to open the door. We decided to engage her aunt and agreed to meet at the Highfield family house.

“The two have since made peace with each other,” said Kelvin.

Natasha was dumped there by the three unidentifi­ed men at Trevor’s home.

Reports indicate there was chaos throughout the night as Natasha kept banging on the door, but Trevor refused to open it.

Natasha refused to entertain H-Metro for her side of the story

Sources said Natasha was dumped at Trevor’s apartment along Selous Avenue in Harare.

She spent the whole night outside the door and had to endure the bitterly cold elements. A resident told H-Metro:

“We were disturbed by the continued knocking of the door.

“I checked and saw that a woman, with her luggage, was by Trevor Dongo’s door.

“She claimed that he is responsibl­e for her pregnancy and has been dodging her and blocked her digits.

“Trevor later communicat­ed with one of the tenants.”

When H-Metro visited the flat, the woman was sitting by the apartment’s entrance.

“Handisirin­i ndakusheve­dzai saka kana ndakukudai ndichakuda­idzai veH-Metro, imbondisiy­ai number dzenyu ndinadzo,” she said. Trevor Dongo is a top R&B artist.

He rose to fame in 2004 with his hit single ‘Ndozviita Seyi.’

 ?? ?? Trevor Dongo’s alleged pregnant lover
Trevor Dongo’s alleged pregnant lover

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