H Metro


- Trust Khosa

SULUMAN CHIMBETU, who has turned 42, says God is performing miracles in his life.

He was born on May 27, 1982.

The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correction­al Services brand ambassador said he will only celebrate with fans this weekend during a family show at Sherwood Golf Club.

“I can’t thank God enough for the gift of life that He has given me to be where I am today,” said the Orchestra Dendera Kings leader.

“It means a lot for myself, my family, and our brand. As someone who is ageing gracefully, that alone is one of the major achievemen­ts I have made through the grace of the Lord.

“Material things don’t matter to us because it’s all vanity according to biblical scriptures.

“A long life and good health are worth celebratin­g as the Lord has been wonderful to us.”

Sulu, who inherited his late father Simon Chimbetu’s band after he died in 2005, has urged fans to be patient with him.

“I know people want new stuff from us but I can assure them we won’t starve them for good.

“As I have promised previously, the new stuff is coming soon and everything is ready.

“What is left are the dates of release as we are busy with other logistics,” he said.

Sulu reckons the Lord has been rewarding him as a singer and he is also set to celebrate his birthday with fans in the US next month.

“A lot of things have been happening in my life and I see the hand of the Lord.

“I will be traveling to the US next month for the Africa Vibration Music Culture where I will share the stage with Mukanya (Thomas Mafumo) and Mokoomba.

“In July, we have other tours lined up in the UK and this shows that our brand is now big.

As I grow older, these are some of the things that I cherish that Dendera music is spreading its wings in the US and


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SULUMAN Chimbetu

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