Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Two France players arrested over sexual assault claims


TWO France internatio­nals have been arrested in Argentina following allegation­s of sexual assault.

Oscar Jegou (21) and Hugo Auradou (20) were detained in Buenos Aires on Monday and will be transporte­d to Mendoza, where local reports claim the crime allegedly took place against a woman.

France are on a tour of South America.

The France squad stayed in Mendoza on Saturday night following their 28-13 Test win against Argentina, during which the two players both made their internatio­nal debuts.

“If the facts are proven, they are incredibly serious,” French Rugby Federation president Florian Grill said.

“We will reserve the results of the investigat­ion.”

Martin Ahumada, a spokespers­on for the Mendoza prosecutor's office, told the AFP news agency a commission was travelling to Buenos Aires to carry out “investigat­ive actions” and “if the results match the victim's testimony, the indictment will be issued”.

French sports minister Amelie Oudea-Castera said: “If the investigat­ion establishe­s the alleged facts, they constitute an unspeakabl­e atrocity.”

Oudea-Castera said she is in contact with the federation and the French embassy in Argentina. Jegou, who plays back row for French club La Rochelle and Auradou, a lock for Pau, were both part of France's 2023 Under20 World Championsh­ip-winning team.

La Rochelle said in a statement on their website: “In the total absence of direct informatio­n on the ongoing procedure, the club will refrain from any comment for the moment.”

Pau also said they would await “more specific informatio­n” before commenting further.

BBC Sport has contacted the French Rugby Federation for comment.

The arrests come two days after full-back Melvyn Jaminet was suspended by the federation after he posted a video on social media with a racist comment.

Jaminet, who plays for Toulon, put the video on his Instagram account after playing in the victory against Argentina.

Although Jaminet deleted the video, it was widely shared on social media and the 25-yearold was sent home from the tour.

Jaminet said he was “deeply sorry and ashamed of my comments”.

France play Uruguay in Montevideo on Wednesday before returning to Buenos Aires for a second Test against Argentina.

 ?? ?? Oscar Jegou plays his club rugby for La Rochelle.
Oscar Jegou plays his club rugby for La Rochelle.

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