Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Are stiff joints affecting your pet this winter?


MOBILITY issues are common in pets, especially as they get older. Arthritis is a debilitati­ng condition and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your pet. Unfortunat­ely, the cold affects older pets and those with mobility issues even more.

Early detection of this condition and the right management approach, including food, can help reduce pain, inflammati­on and prevent further joint degradatio­n. This winter Hill’s Pet Nutrition is offering pet parents an opportunit­y to receive a FREE BAG of Hill’s Prescripti­on Diet Mobility food worth up to R1 929,00*, if you meet the below criteria:

◆ You have taken your pet to a participat­ing veterinari­an and they diagnose your pet with arthritis

◆ Your pet has not tried Hill's Prescripti­on Diet j/d, j/d Reduced Calorie, Metabolic + Mobility or k/d + Mobility before

◆ Your pet is older than 1 year

◆ 89 percent of pet parents who have participat­ed in the Hill’s Prescripti­on Diet Mobility food initiative, for pets with arthritis, saw an improvemen­t in their pet's mobility in just 21 days.

Hill’s Prescripti­on Diet Mobility food

“Even though our pets are unable to tell us when they are in pain, their behaviour can indicate joint pain,” says Dr Guy Fyvie, veterinary affairs manager for Hill’s Pet Nutrition.

If your pet is showing any of the below symptoms, it is recommende­d you take your pet to the vet for a check-up and assessment. He says pet parents should be on the lookout for:

◆ Difficulty getting up after lying down for extended periods of time, stiffness, limping, just slowing down and ‘slipping’ on smooth floors

◆ Increased irritabili­ty and general grumpiness

◆ Reluctance to climb up or down the stairs or jump in the car

◆ Swollen joints and excessive licking over a sore joint

◆ Loss of muscle mass (especially on the affected limb)

◆ Not expressing usual enjoyment when playing or going for walks

◆ Sleeping more than usual ◆ Grooms with difficulty

Fyvie says that he is confident that pet parents will see a vast improvemen­t in their pets ability to run, walk and jump more easily after feeding Hill’s Prescripti­on Diet Mobility food.

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