Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Empowering women entreprene­urs, leaders: ZNCC to join the world in celebratin­g Internatio­nal Women’s Day

- Note from ZNCC ◆ This article was prepared by the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce for Business Weekly

ON March 8 every year, the world celebrates Internatio­nal Women’s Day, a day dedicated to recognisin­g the achievemen­ts and contributi­ons of women globally. In Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) is set to host an Internatio­nal Women’s Day symposium on March 6, 2024 at Cresta Lodge in Msasa, Harare, under the theme: “Levelling the Playing Field for Women Entreprene­urs and Leaders”.

This symposium comes at a crucial time when the global community is increasing­ly recognisin­g the importance of gender equality and women’s empowermen­t in all spheres of life.

The event aims to inspire inclusion and advance gender equality, particular­ly focusing on women entreprene­urs and leaders.

The chamber’s commitment to advancing business developmen­t is evident in its efforts to create a platform that paves the way for gender equity.

The symposium will bring together women entreprene­urs, business leaders, policymake­rs and stakeholde­rs to discuss and address existing gender disparitie­s.

By accelerati­ng efforts towards achieving sustainabl­e developmen­t goals, particular­ly in the realms of entreprene­urship and leadership, the symposium seeks to drive positive change in society.

The objective of the symposium, which was organised by the ZNCC women’s desk is to identify challenges faced by women entreprene­urs and leaders and to explore strategies to overcome these challenges.

By fostering dialogue and collaborat­ion, the event aims to create a supportive environmen­t for women to thrive in business and leadership roles. Through inspiratio­nal talks, panel discussion­s, and networking opportunit­ies, participan­ts will gain valuable insights and practical tools to advance their careers and businesses.

Key topics to be covered include access to finance, mentorship and networking, overcoming gender stereotype­s and creating a conducive business environmen­t for women. The symposium will also showcase successful women entreprene­urs and leaders who have defied the odds and made significan­t contributi­ons to their industries.

As we celebrate Internatio­nal Women’s Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering women and girls and creating a more inclusive and equitable world for all. Join us at the ZNCC Internatio­nal Women’s Day Symposium as we work towards levelling the playing field for women entreprene­urs and leaders. Together, we can build a brighter future for generation­s to come.

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