Daily Nation Newspaper

‘ ACC a tool for UPND against enemies’ Access Bank pledges more support towards SMES


ACCESS Bank has pledged

to continue offering sustainabl­e financing solutions while working with key stakeholde­rs to enhance capacity building and promotion of sustainabl­e business practices.

The bank’s Managing Director, Mr Lishala Situmbeko, said this was meant to support the success of Small and Medium Enterprise­s ( SMES) in the country.

At a recent SME Capacity Building Training Programme in Livingston­e, Mr Situmbeko underscore­d the bank’s cash flow- based lending options that are set to revolution­ise SME financing by enabling businesses to access funds purely on account inflows, ensuring access to finance.

He stressed the bank’s dedication to SMES through a propositio­n, specifical­ly curated for the niche segment.

He said this in a speech read for him by Head of Business Banking, Ivwananji Kasanda.

“Navigating the challenges of running a business requires more than just banking, therefore Access Bank goes beyond providing financial services by partnering with stakeholde­rs to build capacity for SMES. Sustainabl­e businesses result from long- term investment­s in capacity building.

“Access Bank’s growth story mirrors the immense potential within SMES. Starting as a small financial institutio­n, we have grown to become one of the top five banks in the region, driven by strategic partnershi­ps and meaningful collaborat­ions.

With the right support, partnershi­ps, and vision, your businesses have the potential to grow, thrive, and make a lasting impact,” Mr Situmbeko said.

Mr Situmbeko urged SMES to leverage the bank’s offerings, designed to empower SMES and also commended their resilience, ingenuity, and ambitions, qualities that fuel not only their businesses but also inclusive the broader economy.

“Let us all harness the power of effective partnershi­ps to foster innovation, build resilience, and ensure the continuous success of local SMES and cooperativ­es,” he said.

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 ?? ?? The bank’s Managing Director, Mr Lishala Situmbeko
The bank’s Managing Director, Mr Lishala Situmbeko
 ?? ?? Copper producers supported by the current high resolution aerial geophysica­l survey being conducted by Government, among other initiative­s.
Copper producers supported by the current high resolution aerial geophysica­l survey being conducted by Government, among other initiative­s.

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