Daily Nation Newspaper

Sinkamba calls for abolishmen­t of ConCort


OPPOSITION Peter the abolished Constituti­onal Sinkamba because Green has Court of Party proposed its alleged should President that incompeten­ce be as evidenced and by flip- gross flopping misconduct on a number of crucial cases it has presided over.

Mr Sinkamba said the conduct of the Constituti­onal Court where it was flip- flopping on a number of crucial cases was a recipe for anarchy and chaos in the country because people would end up losing confidence in the court which was establishe­d to deal and resolve constituti­onal issues with finality.

In an interview after the Constituti­onal Court dismissed the applicatio­n made by former republican

President Edgar Lungu on the case of eligibilit­y, Mr Sinkamba said the court should be downgraded to a division of the High Court so that those who were not satisfied with it, can appeal to the Court of Appeal

Mr Sinkamba said after the 2016 elections, when the Constituti­onal

Court threw away a petition by President Hakainde Hichilema when he was in the opposition after the 14 days elapsed without hearing him, he decided to complain to the Judicial

Complaints Commission ( JCC), but the commission said they needed to receive three cases of incompeten­ce and gross misconduct in order to act.

“From 2016, the Constituti­onal Court has continued with the flip- flopping. The flip- flopping is not serving the nation, but it can be a recipe for anarchy and chaos. The case of Joe Malanj and Bowman Lusamho was another case where it showed its incompeten­ce and gross misconduct. Now, the case of ECL eligibilit­y has gone to the Constituti­onal Court for the fifth time and all these times, there has been no finality in the Constituti­onal Court.” Mr Sinkamba said.

Mr Sinkamba said the existence of the Constituti­onal Court should be reviewed and possibly scrapped so that the country could revert back to the system where the Supreme Court was handling all the cases including constituti­onal matters.

He said dictatoria­l tendencies and blatant disregard of the law which was being witnessed under the

UPND government was a harbinger for chaos and a threat to peace and harmony which the country has been enjoying since independen­ce

 ?? ?? Mr Sinkamba
Mr Sinkamba

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