Daily Nation Newspaper



…. as ZESCO completely cuts power supply from 15 manganese factories in Central province due to load shedding

MORE than 2,000 employees of manganese factories in Central Province were likely to lose their jobs following the closure of 15 factories.

This is after ZESCO decided to completely cut power supply from the factories due to load shedding that has continued to affect various sectors of the economy.

Mine, Contractor­s, Factory and Allied Workers Union ( MCFAWU) president, Nkweto Kasonka, said a 2,338 employees of manganese factories in Kabwe, Kapiri Mposhi and Serenje with one employee having an average family of 11 people were likely to lose their jobs because of load shedding which has seen ZESCO completely cutting power from 15 factories.

Mr Kasonka said during a press briefing in Ndola that the union was saddened by ZESCO’s decision to completely cut power supply from the manganese factories, instead of sharing power equally with other companies in its load shedding programme or schedule

Mr Kasonka said on July 3, 2024, ZESCO decided to completely cut power from the 15 manganese factories and as a result of these, employees may be declared redundant.

He said the manganese factories which have been closed were not illegal, but registered factories which have been paying bills and so the union was devastated by the decision taken by ZESCO to completely close- cut power supply to the 15 manganese factories.

“As a union, we are saddened by ESCO’s decision to completely cut power from 15 manganese factories in Central province as a result of load shedding. This action by ZESCO may result into serious job losses. About 2,338 employees of manganese factories are likely to lose jobs.

“Now, if the 2,338 employees lose jobs, with each employee having an average family of 11 people, then how many people are going to suffer if these people lose jobs? This is a serious problem which needs urgent solution because it will worsen the poverty and hunger situation,’’ Mr Kasonka said.

At the same function, MCFAWU General- Secretary, Levi Chimfwembe, said the closure of the 15 manganese factory plants in Serenje will not only result in job losses, but also much needed foreign exchange for Zambia because people will now engage in the illegal mining and export of manganese

He said his union, as a stakeholde­r in the mining sector, was expecting government to prioritise availabili­ty of energy to the huge manganese factory plants just like it was importing power to keep copper mines afloat.

“One possibilit­y is for ZESCO to invest in coal powered power plants to meet the energy deficits. Failure to power these 15 manganese factory plants will lead to illegal exports of manganese concentrat­es and ore than before, already, we have rampant exports of ore manganese and concentrat­es going on.

“Zambia cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the massive Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI) in manganese mining. Government needs to have a holistic approach to keeping all the factories and mines afloat through energy supply,’’ Mr Chimfwembe said

 ?? ?? Over 2, 000 factory workers may lose jobs
Over 2, 000 factory workers may lose jobs
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