Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear Editor, THAT life in Zambia has become toxic is an understate­ment because the majority of Zambians been left slackjawed because of what they are going through.

This is because those who are supposed to offer solutions to get them out of the “dog- eat- dog” scenario cannot do so as they appear to have completely run out of governance energy.

Prices of commoditie­s and services are skyrocketi­ng while government leaders are full of codswallop and are behaving like rookies.

Zambia today has all the making of a gothic ghost tale told around a fire on a cold winter night.

There are now aspersions from those in corridors of power that have managed to kill democracy and the rule of law by employing Police to quickly silence those with divergent opinions.

I think what we have now in Zambia is the worst form of government after UNIP as it has become clear it does not have any plan of action to prove its dead rhetoric of “Bally will fix it.”

At every corner, one is met with the rotting smell of tribalism, nepotism and regionalis­m as a manner of running the affairs of our country.

Yes, everywhere one goes it is the usual all hat and no cattle show by UPND.

Indeed, very few families in Zambia today can afford three square meals a day due to the leadership.

Can you imagine that Zambia is now chasing after its maize it exported merely to get at the Patriotic Front, its number one scapegoat for its inefficien­cy.

It is now much easier to tell that UPND is made up of abecedaria­ns with no clue of polished governance.

In our hands is an overheatin­g economy, dying mining industry and Zambians can rest assured of rougher times ahead.

Our men in grey suits running our nation are only geniuses at selling wolf tickets as they continue to run the country aground.

I will truly eat my hat if Zambians will begin to smile again any sooner because their leaders have become nothing but cold that enjoy seeing good people suffer.


Minister of Commerce , Trade and Industry Christophe­r Yaluma confers with Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Mr. Mushuma Mulenga and others staffed shortly after media briefing on the effects and efforts of the pricing of goods at his office yesterday, February 18, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ ZANIS

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