Daily Nation Newspaper

More want HH, ECL dialogue


THE Zambia Environmen­tal Management Agency ( ZEMA) has approved the constructi­on of a mini Liquified Petroleum Gas ( LPG) filling plant by Oryx Energies Zambia Limited to be built in Chongwe valued at a total investment cost of US$ 883,330.00.

ZEMA acting Director General, Karen BandaEtond­o, said during the 21st sitting of the Environmen­tal Assessment Committee ( EAC), the Committee approved the proposed constructi­on of the LPG filling plant project which is anticipate­d to contribute towards mitigating the energy crisis as well as promoting alternativ­e energy sources.

Ms Etondo said Liquified Petroleum Gas is an essential energy source for cooking and heating at household and industrial levels.

"Additional­ly, the Committee approved the proposed Constructi­on of Nazilongo dam in Mukwela Area, Kalomo District by Graham Mulders as well as the constructi­on of a small dam on Mulembo river in

Kapeshi Village in Chief Shaibila’s Chiefdom in Mkushi District of Central Province by Tembusha Farming Limited at total investment costs of US$ 120,000.00 and K400,000.00 respective­ly," she said.

"As the country continues to grapple with the water and energy deficiency, the three projects are expected to positively contribute to government’s efforts in dealing with the impacts of the drought on the economy."

Ms Etondo further said during its June sitting, the EAC considered a total of 123 proposed projects with a total investment cost of US$ 79 million.

She added that this brings the total number of projects considered since January 2024 to 577 with a total investment cost of US$ 2 billion.

"The Agency continues to reiterate the need to integrate environmen­tal considerat­ion at the earliest stage in decision- making and is committed to providing the necessary support and guidance to developers to ensure efficiency and timely considerat­ion of proposed projects," she said.

GOVERNANCE Expert, Wasley Miyada, hopes that President Hakainde Hichilema and former President Edgar Lungu will heed to the advice by the Reformed Church of Zambia's ( RCZ) to dialogue.

Reverend Patson Banda of the RCZ encouraged President Hichilema to seek peace with Mr. Lungu.

Rev Banda noted that the public would be pleased to see both leaders working together for the country's benefit.

And Mr Miyanda said if the two leaders dialogue, it will ease political tensions and foster national unity for the betterment of the country.

Mr Miyanda said the two leaders must put their difference­s aside and prioritise the peace of the country unlike the political tension that has characteri­sed the country.

He said the appeal by RCZ is timely and urged those advising President Hichilema and former President Lungu to counsel them towards reconcilia­tion instead of exacerbati­ng tensions.

He also appealed to the traditiona­l leaders to play a critical role in ensuring that the two leaders dialogue.

Mr Miyanda indicated that the two leaders respect the traditiona­l leaders hence the need for them to join the crusade for dialogue.

He stated that Zambians are at a stage where they are eagerly anticipati­ng the two leaders to initiate dialogue and determine the country's future direction.

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Mr Miyanda
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