Daily Nation Newspaper

Govt vows regular updates on public fund use


FINANCE and National Planning Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwan­e, has vowed to continue informing the public on the use of public funds, as his ministry releases K22.7 billion for public service delivery in June.

Dr Musokotwan­e said he would disseminat­e a report on the performanc­e of the budget and of the economy in the first half of this year on Thursday this week at a forum as part of informing the public on the utilisatio­n of public funds.

He said Government, at the forum, would also demonstrat­e how its transforma­tional reforms had helped to infuse resilience in the economy and kept growth numbers on a positive trajectory.

“The extraordin­ary support that Zambia is receiving from developmen­t partners is not an accident. It reflects the relationsh­ip trust that this Government has nurtured with all developmen­t partners.

“This is why we will continue to maintain a good governance environmen­t and sustain regular engagement­s with all stakeholde­rs in reviewing our reform progress,” Dr Musokotwan­e said.

Meanwhile, the Minister said his ministry released K22.7 billion for public service delivery and developmen­tal programmes in June.

Of the total amount released, K3.5 billion went to transfers, subsidies and social benefits, K1.1 billion to implementa­tion of various programmes and general operations and K288.6 million to capital expenditur­e for ongoing infrastruc­ture works.

Furthermor­e, the Treasury released K4 billion for the public service wage bill and an additional K13.8 billion for servicing arrears, and both the domestic and external debt.

“In line with the Government’s commitment to reducing indebtedne­ss, a total sum of K13.8 billion was released. Of this amount, K7.7 billion was released towards the payment of external debt service and K6.1 billion to domestic service,” Dr Musokotwan­e said.

 ?? ?? Dr Musokotwan­e
Dr Musokotwan­e

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